‘Peace in the resistance of oppressed peoples’ 2024-08-29 14:14:34 ANKARA - Calling for a World Peace Day event in Ankara, Labor and Democracy Forces stated that the government's policies threatening the future of the peoples of the Middle East have become a global problem and said: “Peace is in the resistance of oppressed peoples.”  Ankara Labor and Democracy Forces will march and make a statement on Sakarya Street at 17.00 pm on September 1, World Peace Day. Making a statement at the Mülkiyeliler Union Meeting Hall, Ankara Labor and Democracy Forces called for participation in the World Peace Day event.    'PEACE IS IN THE RESISTANCE OF OPPRESSED PEOPLES'    Human Rights Association (IHD) Ankara Branch Co-Chair Ömer Faruk Yazmacı said that on World Peace Day, they will be together with the promise to raise the struggle for equality, freedom and peace against the politics of war. Yazmacı noted that imperialism has brought humanity to the brink of starvation crisis with endless conflicts around the world and especially in the Middle East, and said: “There is an open genocide in Palestine by Zionism. Imperialism and Zionism are dragging our region, especially Palestine, into a spiral of conflicts, wars, slaughter and massacres for their interests. Today, peace is in the slingshots of Palestinian youth, in the total defeat of imperialism, in the resistance of oppressed peoples.”   'BIGGEST OBSTACLE IS THE UNRESOLVED KURDISH QUESTION'   Yazmacı pointed out that the condition for the AKP-MHP alliance to survive is to create war and conflict and said: “Erdoğan-Bahçeli polarize society to deepen their domination. On one side there are those who want to institutionalize fascism, and on the other side there is the struggle of democracy forces resisting this process and the demand for peace. The government has become a regional and global problem with its policies that threaten the future of not only the peoples of Turkey but also the peoples of the Middle East. The biggest obstacle to democracy, equality and freedoms in our country is leaving the Kurdish question unresolved. Today, the human struggle of the peoples of the region in the Middle East, Iraq, Shengal, Syria and Rojava is also a struggle for democracy, freedom and peace.”    EMPHASIS ON SOCIAL PEACE    Yazmacı said that the economic crisis in the country, the increase in violence, the murder of women and ecological destruction are part of the war policies and added: “On September 1, we will once again emphasize our determined stance on democratic politics.”   Yazmacı listed the actions to be taken to ensure social peace as follows:   * “AKP-MHP alliance must immediately abandon its policies of war, conflict and tension.    * Turkey's being a part of the imperialist war policy must be ended. Exit NATO and close military bases.    * War costs cannot be burdened on the backs of the people. People's resources should be allocated to public services, not to war.    * End the war policies against the Kurdish people. All relations with Israel must be cut.    * End the policies that turn our country into Europe's migrant warehouse and end the hostility towards immigrants.    We need the hope of peace against the fear created by weapons and violence. We call on all people in favor of equality, freedom and justice to raise the hope for peace.”