Journalist Tara's funeral sent off Êlih 2024-08-29 14:01:09   NEWS CENTER - The body of journalist Gulistan Tara was taken on the road to Êlih after the ceremony held in Sulaymaniyah.    The body of journalist Gulistan Tara, who was killed in a Turkish attack on a car carrying Kurdish journalists near the Seyîtsadiq district of Sulaymaniyah on August 23, was brought to Azadi Park after being taken from the Forensic Medicine Institution in Sulaymaniyah. A memorial ceremony was organized for Tara, who will be sent to Êlih (Batman) from here.    Kemal Heme Reza, General Manager of Chatr Production, who made a statement at the ceremony, reminded that the vehicle belonging to their company was targeted on August 23 and Hêro Behadîn and Gulistan Tara were murdered as a result of the attack and said: “From the first moment of the attack, we reported that our comrades were on their way to the region for journalistic activities. However, the Turkish state targeted our team with drones in violation of international laws. We consider this attack within the scope of the crimes committed by the occupying Turkish state throughout South Kurdistan, targeting civilians, causing casualties and serious injuries, and we see it as another failed attempt to silence the Free Press.”    'THEY AIMED TO BRING THE TRUTH'   Noting that Tara and Behadîn's work aimed to bring the truth to the public opinion and expose the true face of the enemies of Kurdistan, Reza said: “Our comrades tried to reveal the Kurdish public opinion's attitude towards the crimes and occupations committed in Kurdistan through the media and to show the oppression and oppression of the occupying states to the world and the international community.”   In the rest of the statement, Reza stated the following: “Chatr Production condemns the attack and occupation of the terrorist Turkish state and the attempts of the KDP's Anti-Terror unit to cover up the crime committed by the Turkish state and to distort the case of the murder of journalists. We call on the international organizations and the representative offices of the countries of the world in Iraq and Kurdistan Region to consider the murder of journalists as a reason to stop the silence against the crimes of the Turkish state against civilians in South Kurdistan. Serious attempts must be made to stop the crimes of the Turkish state in South Kurdistan. We pledge to our friends and comrades Gulistan Tara and Hêro Behadîn that we will follow in their footsteps, follow their ideas and sharpen our pens against occupation and injustice.”   Tara's brother Ahmed Tekik, who also attended the ceremony, said: “Gulistan was my sister, but she was more than that, she was our friend and comrade.”   FUNERAL FAREWELL   After the ceremony, Tara's body was carried on the shoulders of women, first to Chatr Production, where she had worked for many years, and then to Êlih.