Reactions to murder of journalists: An attack on the right to information 2024-08-27 09:48:38 ISTANBUL - Stating that the attack in which journalists Gülistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn were murdered is against all journalists and freedom of expression, representatives of press organizations emphasized a joint struggle.  Turkey's attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region in cooperation with the KDP continue. Journalists Gülistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn were killed when an unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) bombed a car carrying Free Press employees in Seyîdsadik district of Sulaymaniyah on August 23. Six other journalists, including Chatr Production Media Company Manager Rêbin Bekir (30), were injured.    Press professional organizations reacted to the attack in which two female journalists were murdered.     'WE HAVE TO REVEAL THE TRUTH'   Contemporary Journalists Association (ÇGD) Vice President Ceren Bayar stated that the attack targeted two women who were civilians and journalists. Bayar said that this situation is not perceived correctly in the Turkish public opinion and added: “Some circles in the Turkish public opinion can easily spread false perceptions and prevent the public from accessing accurate information. We have to reveal the fact that these women were journalists, civilians and lost their lives in an attack on a civilian vehicle.”    THEIR PENS WILL NOT FALL TO THE GROUND   Expressing that the attack was unacceptable, Bayar pointed out that the only reason they were targeted was because they were after the truth.    Pointing out that there is a war in the region, “However, these women are civilians and Kurdish journalists. They were killed with Turkish weapons. This situation is both frightening and unacceptable. Civilians, children, women and journalists are being killed in the region and unfortunately this is considered normal in our country. Our friends were journalists and they were after the truth. This may be the reason why they were targeted. Maybe they were doing journalism there to expose many things. There are many people who will continue to do what our friends did. Especially women are stronger in this field and those pens will not fall to the ground” Bayar said.   'JOURNALISTS MUST SPEAK OUT'   Bayar said that the attack was not only against two Kurdish women journalists but against all journalists and that journalists should raise their voices against it. Bayar said: “This is not only a matter of press organizations, this is a matter of all journalists. Journalists working under difficult conditions in Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya to reveal the truth need to understand what journalists in the region and in places like Syria and Iraq are going through. Unorganized journalists should also speak out against this situation.”   'THIS CRIME MUST BE INVESTIGATED'   Turgut Dedeoğlu, President of the Press and Printing Workers Union of Turkey (DİSK Basın-İş), said that the attack on journalists should be investigated. Stating that two journalists were murdered while doing their duty, Dedeoğlu said: “We are talking about two woman journalists who were on their way to their duties. These two journalists were murdered on their way to shoot and broadcast. Both Turkey and the Iraqi Regional Government, as well as other independent organizations around the world, need to investigate this crime. The perpetrators of the crime must be revealed and as journalists we must continue this struggle. Wherever they are in the world, journalists are our colleagues and they are responsible for informing the public. It is our duty to stand behind our murdered colleagues and stand up for them. There is no statute of limitations for such crimes. Even if not today, in the future, in a more democratic world, these crimes will be brought to justice. We need to protect our journalism profession and support our colleagues. We must take action on this issue as soon as possible.”    'WE MUST SHOW A COMMON ATTITUDE'   Reminding that Turkey ranks at the bottom of the press freedom index due to attacks on journalists, Dedeoğlu called on press professional organizations and concluded his words as follows: “Attacks on journalists are an attack on the profession of journalism. Journalism is a profession without religion, race or nationality. All journalists, wherever they are in the world, must act in unity against these attacks. These crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations. Even if not today, these crimes will be tried in the future. We must stand up for our profession and our colleagues. We have to show a common attitude and act.”    'JOURNALISTS HAVE NO SECURITY OF LIFE'   Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) Co-Director Barış Altıntaş said that they are deeply saddened by the deaths of journalists. Emphasizing that journalists working in the Federated Kurdistan Region are not safe, Altıntaş said: “We have serious concerns about the safety of press workers. In July, a journalist lost his life in a drone attack. It is never acceptable to target journalists in conflicts between states. This attack violates international conventions on the protection of journalists.”   ATTACK ON THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION   Pointing out that states are responsible for the safety of journalists, Altıntaş continued as follows: “This attack is not only against journalists, but also against freedom of expression and the right to be informed. Targeting journalists who expose violations in the region is clearly a crime. It is crucial that the international community responds strongly to this attack, as journalism in the Kurdistan Region is becoming increasingly dangerous.”