School permit for Barzanis in occupied Afrin 2024-08-15 13:44:26 NEWS CENTER - The Barzanis, acting together with paramilitary groups committing crimes such as kidnapping, torture, extortion, rape and plundering of nature in Afrin, opened a new school after the “cultural center” with red and white balloons.   The KDP-affiliated Barzani Relief Foundation continues to cooperate with Turkey and affiliated paramilitary groups in the northern and eastern Syrian city of Afrin. The foundation, which opened a “culture and art center” in Afrin with red and white balloons and acted in cooperation with IHH (İHH-Humanitarian Relif Foundation), known to be close to AKP, was given permission to open a school for “orphan children”.    EVERYTHING IN AFRİN HAS BEEN TRANSLATED INTO TURKISH    Since March 2018, the center of Afrin and many neighboring settlements have been under the control of Turkey and its paramilitary groups. More than 300 thousand people were forced to flee Afrin during the attacks. The Kurd population, which was 98 percent before the attacks, decreased to 20 percent after the attacks. According to data released by the Syria-Afrîn Human Rights Organization, paramilitary forces and their families have settled in the places vacated by Kurds; hundreds of thousands of families of members of paramilitary groups have settled in Afrin's villages and districts. Most of these people were brought from the south of Idlib, Aleppo and Eastern Ghouta in Damascus.    Turkey has eliminated the Kurdish language in all institutions and organizations. Turkish flags were hung everywhere, while the names of streets, villages and public institutions were translated into Turkish. Azadî Square in the center of Afrin was renamed Atatürk Square; Newroz Junction was renamed Selahattin Junction; Wetani Junction was renamed 18 March Junction; and Kawayê Hesinkar Junction was renamed Olive Branch. Qestela Miqdad village was renamed Selçuk Obası; Kotana village was renamed Zafer Obası; Kurzêlê village was renamed Cafer Obası.    ERDOĞAN POSTERS AND TURKISH FLAG    Turkey and its affiliated forces gave Ottoman names to strategic Kurdish areas and hung Turkish flags and photos of AKP Chair and President Erdoğan everywhere. Turkish posters have started to be hung on shops and streets, while the sacred places of Yazidis have also been looted. In addition, Turkish identity cards are being issued to everyone.    THOUSANDS KIDNAPPED     In addition to the Turkification policies, many inhumane practices took place in the 5-year period. More than 10 thousand people have been abducted so far. Some of the abducted people were murdered and subjected to severe torture. Hundreds of women were subjected to harassment and rape during this period.   HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF OLIVE TREES WERE CUT DOWN   There has been a great plunder not only against human beings but also against nature. Over 5 years, at least 368,000 olive trees and different tree species were cut down. The wood from the felled trees was sold in markets. More than 17 thousand olive trees were burned. In addition, 12 thousand hectares of woodland were set on fire.    The confiscated olives were also turned into global trade. Documents published in November 2018 revealed that a protocol on looting was signed between Turkey and armed groups. The protocol revealed that the confiscated olives were sold to some capitalists in Turkey, who in turn sold them to other countries.     LOOTING   The homes of tens of thousands of civilians forced to flee have been confiscated. Many homes have been turned into prisons or outposts for paramilitary forces. Historical sites were also looted. According to the Afrin Directorate of Historical Monuments, there were 96 historical hills in the city. Most of these hills were excavated and looted. More than 28 historical sites and warehouses were destroyed and more than 15 cemeteries were looted. One cemetery was turned into an animal market. They removed the railroad from Meydan Ekbes village in Rajo district to Kaferjê village in Shêrawa and from there to Qitmê village and sold it to merchants in Ezaz.   ATTACK ON CEMETERY   The bodies of YPG members who lost their lives during the attacks were exhumed from Avesta Cemetery. Anadolu Agency (AA) reported the bodies as “mass graves”, claiming that they belonged to people executed by the YPG.   The places that were burned, demolished and confiscated were turned into prisons or police stations. The prisons and police stations built were shared by paramilitary groups.    BARZANIS HAND IN HAND WITH AKP   KDP (Kurdistan Democrat Party) is acting together with Turkey and affiliated paramilitary groups in the city after the attacks. The KDP-affiliated Barzani Relief Foundation and IHH, known to be close to the AKP, are acting jointly in the city. The foundation had opened a “culture and art center” with red and white balloons in Afrin a while ago in the city where crimes against humanity were committed. It also frequently distributes “aid” together with IHH.