Peace Mothers: Isolation and war will not bring stability 2024-08-14 13:52:33 ISTANBUL - Peace Mothers pointed out that the isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan and war policies will not bring stability to the country and emphasized that the solution lies in dialogue.  Peace Mothers, who have been struggling in various organizations in Istanbul for years, reacted against the 41-month-long absolute isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and Turkey's attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region in partnership with the KDP. Peace Mothers emphasized that war policies are not a solution.    REMINDED ÖCALAN'S 'SOLUTION' MESSAGES   Peace Mother Feleknaz Karabaş, said that the deepening of the isolation leads to further spread of conflicts. Karabaş reminded Abdullah Öcalan's words during the meeting on August 7, 2019: “I say I can eliminate the possibility of conflict in a week. I am confident in myself, I am ready for a solution”.    “Turkey did not listen to Mr. Öcalan and deepened the isolation policies. If there was no isolation, Abdullah Öcalan could have solved all the problems in the Middle East, especially in Kurdistan, and stopped the war. Abdullah Öcalan is not only the leader of the Kurdish people, he leads all the peoples of the world. Every conscious Kurd knows that the isolation policies are not only directed against Öcalan, they concern all Kurds. As a Peace Mother, I believe that the Kurdish people deserve an honorable peace in this world. We want to live our own language and culture like other peoples in the world. No one can ban our language and culture” Karabaş said.    Drawing attention to Turkey's attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region, Karabaş interpreted the KDP's attitude as “betrayal”. Karabaş made a call to Masoud Barzani and said: “Turkey may seem to be your friend today, but tomorrow it will be your arch enemy. Barzani should know this well and act accordingly. No one can use the territory of Kurdistan as the backyard of MIT and the village guards for their own interests. We do not accept this.”    'WE WILL CONTINUE TO STRUGGLE'   Noting that there has been no news from Öcalan for 41 months, Peace Mother Mensure Özekinci said: “Enough of this persecution. Erdoğan does not imprison those who kill women, abuse children, sell drugs, and even if he does, he releases them after 2 years. But a Kurdish youth is sentenced to 30 years for making a victory sign. What kind of law is this, what kind of justice is this? We do not accept this persecution anymore. We will continue to fight against this.”    'THERE IS NO SHRED OF JUSTICE LEFT'   Peace Mother Rewşan Döner, a member of the Anatolian Association for Assistance and Solidarity with the Families of the Disappeared (ANYAKAY-DER), said: “Those who wanted to silence Abdullah Öcalan have not succeeded. Today, The Leader (Öcalan) is no longer the leader of the Kurdish people, but the leader of the peoples of the world. Many peoples in the world who want democracy, freedom and equality have adopted Abdullah Öcalan's philosophy and ideology. But such a leader has been in absolute isolation for nearly 4 years. He is not allowed to meet with his family or his lawyer. This is a great injustice. We all need justice as much as bread and water. When we look at the state of the country, there is not even a shred of justice left.”   “The seeds of freedom sown by Öcalan can not be destroyed by weapons, isolation or any other method. Abdullah Öcalan's philosophy includes equality and freedom for all. This isolation policy has been put in place to destroy Abdullah Öcalan's ideology. But no matter what they do, his philosophy and ideology has spread to the peoples of the world and is embraced by many people” she said.      'WE DO NOT ACCEPT WAR'   Peace Mother Sabiha Bozan said that as the isolation policies deepen, war and chaos grow. Bozan said the following: “With the isolation, the economic crisis is deepening, femicides are on the rise and society is experiencing a decay. Neither war policies nor isolation will bring stability to Turkey. This is only possible through peace and negotiations on the Kurdish issue. There was a peace process in Turkey before and the bloodshed had stopped and no one was dying. Not only Kurdish children are being killed, but also Turkish children are dying. As Peace Mothers, we also call on the families of soldiers and police officers. We raise our children with great labor and in poverty. Why are we sending our children to die? Why don't we say 'no' to this war? We never accept this war, we can stop this war if we say 'no' together against this war.”     MA / Esra Solin Dal