Hatimoğulları meets women laborers in Idir 2024-08-07 14:06:50 ÎDIR- DEM Party Co-Chair Tulay Hatimoğulları met with women in Îdîr and said that although Turkey is a country of agriculture and animal husbandry, people cannot make a living due to the policies of the government.  Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları participated in various activities in Îdîr (Iğdır) as part of the "Bread and Justice" campaign. Hatimoğulları came to the city as part of the campaign. She met with women laborers working in the fields in the central Hakveyis neighborhood. Mostly women workers in the eggplant and tomato fields rebelled against the economic crisis and said that despite the hot weather they were paid 400 Liras per day. Explaining that they cannot make a living, the women said that the country has reached the point of bankruptcy and that they cannot even feed themselves anymore.  Field owners also said that their crops are not worth money, they are making losses and their crops are rotting in the fields.    'THERE IS DEEP POVERTY'   Speaking here, Hatimoğulları underlined that the purpose of the Bread and Justice Meetings is to make such problems visible and to produce solutions, and said: "Neither the producer nor the laborer is winning. Today in this country, they have ended both farming and production and there is a very deep poverty. Neither the farmer nor the laborer wins. So we hit the roads to fight against this. DEM Party is on the streets and in the fields all over Turkey. We will continue to be together with producers, farmers and laborers."   BÊRÎVANS TALKED ABOUT THEIR PROBLEMS   Then the delegation met with Bêrîvan (milker) women in Korhan Plateau in the center. Hatimoğulları was warmly welcomed by the Bêrîvan women and listened to the problems and troubles in the plateau. Mehmet Kol, one of the highlanders, said that they could not afford the cost of shepherds, feed, etc. due to the increase in costs. Kol said that they had 200 animals last year, but the number of animals had dropped to 100 this year due to the increased cost, and expressed that their problems should be solved.   A bêrîvan said that their biggest problems were electricity and water and said: "There is no hygiene here, I lost my child because of the dirty water we drink." Hatimoğulları shared their sorrow and said that they would make efforts to solve these problems.  Another bêrîvan stated that women's labor is not visible and said, "All the work here is done through us. Women's labor is not visible. I cannot get my children to read books. Housewives should be able to retire as well."  Hatimoğulları asked the provincial organization to provide book support to the regions where bêrîvans live.    'FEED AND HAY SUPPORT SHOULD BE PROVIDED'   Speaking afterwards, Hatimoğulları said the following: "Our biggest aim is to voice the problems of those who have problems in agriculture and animal husbandry. Especially in Turkey, they have finished animal husbandry. There should be no animal imports in Turkey. They are bringing Angus from abroad and trying to stabilize the price of meat. But we are against this. As a party, we will try to support animal producers as much as we can. One of the biggest problems of the plateaus is that they are banned. Under the name of security, certain parts of the plateaus in Kars and Ardahan are banned. They are trying to end animal husbandry under the name of security; they are trying to make Turkey dependent on foreign countries. Animal breeders should be provided with feed and hay support and animal husbandry should be encouraged. How can animal husbandry develop in Turkey if we are importing hay? Importing hay is a disaster here. One of the biggest problems is the problem of water and electricity."   'AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY HAVE BEEN DESTROYED'   Hatimoğulları stated that Turkey is a country of agriculture and animal husbandry, but in recent years people have been unable to make a living due to hunger and poverty. Even if they come and see it, they will not produce a solution. Agriculture and animal husbandry have been destroyed under this government that says 'I am local and national'. Agriculture and animal husbandry was the golden bracelet on this country's arm. But they lost it and made Turkey dependent on foreign countries. Our farmers are not alone, those who raise livestock are not alone. As DEM Party, we are with them until the end, we will voice their problems and we will be with them. We will voice these problems in parliament and outside parliament with every effort we can.  Our aim is to save 50 million people who have been made in need of bread from this situation as soon as possible. We see agriculture and animal husbandry as vital in Turkey and Kurdistan. If hay and feed support had been provided today, more production would have been done. It is as if animal husbandry has been liquidated. The public and the people of Turkey need to join hands together to put an end to these policies of the government. If agriculture and farmers produce, the country will develop. We will make every effort in this regard."    Hatimoğulları then met with the employees of a textile company and listened to their problems.