PADÊ: Review the closure decision 2024-08-07 11:24:05 NEWS CENTER - PADÊ, which is preparing an application against the closure decision of the Iraqi judiciary, made a statement "Review the decision".  The Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council issued a closure order against the Party for Freedom and Democracy of the Yazidis (PADÊ), Tawgera Azadi ya Civaka Kurdistanê (Kurdistan Freedom Movement) and Democratic Struggle Front Party. Preparing to appeal against the decision, PADÊ made a statement at its headquarters in Sinun district of Shengal.    'DECISION TAKEN AFTER ERDOGAN'S ARRIVAL'   PADÊ Politburo Member and Suleymaniye Representative Suleiman Haji said: "As PADÊ, we ask the Judicial Council to reconsider its decision. Our party's statute was prepared in accordance with Article 4O and our party was established in 2017 according to the Iraqi Political Parties Law. Again, our party has participated in the elections held in Iraq 3 times.  All our work to date has been done within the framework of the law and we have not faced any accusations of illegality. All our executives were elected by the people."    Stating that the decision was not independent of Erdogan's visit to Baghdad, "While we respect the decision of the judiciary, we believe that false information has been given about our party and those who support us. The decision was taken especially after Erdoğan's visit" Haji said.    Pointing out that the decision of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council was taken especially on the anniversary of the 74th Edict, "How could such a decision be taken on such a day when our people were subjected to genocide? How can such an approach be taken to the feelings and suffering of our people?" he asked.   'WHY WAS NO INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED?'   Reminding that an investigation should have been conducted before the decision was taken, Haji said: "Why was no investigation conducted before a legal decision was taken? On what basis was a decision taken to shut down our party? We have not stolen a single penny for the financing of our party and we have not received a single penny of aid from the state. We carry out our work thanks to the economic aid provided by our people abroad. We will work to overturn the decision. We will submit to the relevant court all the evidence and documents showing that we are not affiliated with any other power. We hope that the law will be applied equally to everyone without discrimination. Everyone should know very well that the existence of our party is not a threat to the country."