Fire continued throughout the night: Authorities arrived in the morning 2024-06-21 11:20:33   AMED - While citizens intervened with their own efforts in the fire, which was reportedly caused by sparks from electrical wires between Amed's Xana Axpar district and Mêrdîn's Şemrex districts, authorities arrived at the scene in the morning. It was stated that at least 5 people lost their lives.   The toll of the fire that broke out yesterday between Amed's Xana Axpar (Çınar) district and Mêrdîn's Şemrex (Mazıdağı) district was revealed with the dawn. While only the fire of burning garden pipes could be seen in the fire places we reached at night, the weight of the balance sheet was revealed with the sunrise. Villagers said that the fire caused by sparks from electrical wires in Tobiniyê village spread to Têznê, Hatdirînê, Reşan, Dêrê, Kelekê, Herberê and Bexcayê villages in a short time and continued until Göksu Dam.   One of the places most affected by the fire was Tobinî District of Xana Axpar, which was stated by the citizens as the place where the fire first broke out. A woman who witnessed the fire here and did not want to give her name stated that it started with a spark from a power pole around 21:00 pm in the evening. The woman said that she informed the neighborhood when the fire spread to the ground and that the fire suddenly accelerated due to the wind.   CITIZENS MADE THE FIRST INTERVENTION   While it was stated that the first intervention to the fire was made by citizens with vehicles such as tractors, it was stated that the authorities' response to the fire was insufficient. Citizens also stated that there were shepherds and animals in the area where the fire broke out and they could not reach them. Kelekê District, which borders Tobinî District, was also greatly damaged by the fire. It was stated that Şeyhmus Demir, Resul Yılmaz, Rezan Yılmaz and Mezel Demir, who went to extinguish the fire from the neighborhood, lost their lives. Hasan Demir, one of the injured citizens, was also sent to Riha (Urfa-Kurdistan) for treatment. It was reported that all of those who lost their lives were between the ages of 17-20 and that they all lost their lives during the fire response.   While the bodies are expected to be buried in the cemetery, lamenting sounds are heard in the neighborhood.   The neighborhood residents here stated that no authorities came to the fire for 4-5 hours.   WHEAT AND CORN FIELDS BURNED It was seen that wheat and corn were burned in an area of approximately 5 thousand decares between both neighborhoods. Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır, People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) deputies and municipal co-mayors, who went to the scene since the night, are waiting together with the citizens.   HUNDREDS OF ANIMALS DIE It was also seen that hundreds of animals were burned to death between both neighborhoods and the same number of animals were injured by the fire.   HELICOPTER COULD ARRIVE IN THE MORNING Despite all the calls made throughout the night, the helicopter did not come and intervene in the fire. Between the two neighborhoods, the extinguishing helicopter was seen pouring water from the Göksu Dam on the hay bales after the entire fire was extinguished after 05.00 in the morning. Citizens responded to the current situation by saying, "Pull this disgrace of the helicopter."   AFAD teams, which arrived at the site with a delay, were seen going out in rows in the fields to look for missing people. Citizens' wait continues in rural neighborhoods.   MA / Müjdat Can