'Lives of immigrants are non-negotiable' 2024-06-20 13:43:09 ANKARA - Pointing to Turkey's international negotiations regarding refugees, DEM Party Immigrant and Refugee Commission stated that the rights of refugees and immigrants cannot be made a subject of bargaining. People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Immigrant and Refugee Commission made a written statement on June 20 World Refugee Day. In the statement titled "Immediately stop policies that cause refugees and investing in war", it was noted that 2024 will also cause mass migration due to wars. Pointing out the military interventions of Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine and Turkey in the Kurdish regions in Syria and Iraq, the statement said: "So far, wherever a war has broken out, from Libya to Ukraine, Turkey has invested in that war and tried to benefit from the results. While doing this, it has developed its cooperation with ISIS gangs and their mentalities, causing deepening instability and shrinking living spaces. The AKP government, which has entered into full cooperation with the Taliban under the pretext of taking a role in the 'reconstruction' process of Afghanistan, continues its trade with Israel, despite all its rhetoric to the contrary. The AKP government is doing its best to create instability in the region by trying to involve itself in all conflicts and playing double game in every issue."   'THEIR RIGHTS AND LIVES CANNOT BE NEGOTIABLE'   The statement noted that migration caused by wars strengthened right-wing and fascist tendencies and paved the way for xenophobia, and emphasized that refugees were subjected to ill-treatment in the countries they were in. The statement emphasized that refugees constantly face the danger of being sent back to their countries and said: "Removal Centers, where access to health is denied, are places specially built for torture and ill-treatment. The ongoing Readmission Agreement with the European Union constitutes a crime in itself. The rights and lives of politicians, mostly Kurds, and immigrants exiled from Turkey as a result of unlawful trials and executions cannot be made a subject of international bargaining."   DEMANDS   In the statement, which drew attention to the policies of the rising right-wing parties in the EU against women, LGBTI+, workers, laborers, immigrants and refugees, the following demands were included:   “*It is imperative that the right to asylum be implemented immediately by ending the geographical annotation that Turkey has placed on the Geneva Convention. Asylum is a right. The usurpation of this right also prevents access to fundamental rights such as education, health, housing, work and organization. Therefore, the annotation must be removed, domestic law must be regulated accordingly and the rights in international law must be recognized.   *Removal Centers must be closed and the Ministry of Immigration and Refugees must be established, where all processes of immigrants and refugees are carried out in a transparent manner and their rights are guaranteed.   *Turkey must immediately end its invasion attempts in Rojava and Iraqi Kurdistan, and end its relations with ISIS remnant gangs that deepen the war in the Middle East.   *Turkey must be in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and this solidarity must start with Palestine's call for an 'embargo on murderous Israel'.   *The European Union must end its policy of keeping refugees away from Europe, end its ransom relationship with Turkey, and end its crimes at the borders such as sinking boats and pushing back. International law must be applied at Tutkey's borders and the safety of refugees must be ensured.   *The assimilation carried out under the name of integration in Turkey must be stopped and mechanisms of coexistence and social solidarity must be established. In order to implement these mechanisms, local governments must be given authority in accordance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government, and the trustee policy must be stopped immediately.   *The Istanbul Convention, which is the legal basis for refugee women and LGBTI+ people against male-state violence, must be returned immediately and Law No. 6284 should be implemented equally and effectively.   *The system of labor exploitation of immigrants and refugees must be ended, the way for them to unionize under safe working conditions with the right to equal pay for equal work must be made possible, and child labor must be prevented.”