Koçyiğit: We will win no matter what 2024-06-19 15:36:58 COLEMÊRG - DEM Party Group Deputy Chair Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit visited Gever Municipality for the eid, stated that they will continue their struggle until Colemêrg Municipality is given back to the people and said: "We will win no matter what." People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Group Deputy Chair Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit and her accompanying delegation visited Gever Municipality of Colemêrg (Hakkari-Kurdistan) on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. During the visit, Koçyiğit was accompanied by deputies Hüseyin Olan and Ömer Faruk Hülakü. The delegation was welcomed by Gever Municipality Co-Mayors Şoreş Diri, Şadiye Kırmızıgül, municipal council members and party executives.   Speaking during the visit, Koçyiğit stated that the government, which is stuck in every period, attacks the Kurds and said: "With these attacks, the Kurds are trying to move forward and survive by destroying all the gains they have accumulated tooth and nail. Trustee appointments have no legitimacy. The people of Hakkari are the citizens of Turkey and Kurdistan. They expressed their reactions from all over."   THE STRUGGLE WILL CONTINUE   Stating that they will prevent oppression as long as democratic mass organizations, political parties and all people stand together against trustee usurpation and injustice, Koçyiğit said: "Nothing is over, just as we fought in the streets with our people on the first day of the appointment of trustees, we will also take various actions after this process. We will continue our struggle with events and activities. We will continue to resist and raise our voice against trustee usurpation. Just as we fought against the usurpation of will on the first day, we will continue our fight without deviating from this path until the trustees are gone. Our struggle will continue uninterruptedly until Hakkari Municipality is given back to the people of Colemêrg and the municipal council members elected by the people return to their duties."   A RALLY WILL BE HELD IN ISTANBUL   Stating that they will hold a big rally in Istanbul against the usurpation of will, Koçyiğit continued as follows: "We will continue to explain the cruelty of the AKP-MHP fascist government in all these rallies. With these rallies, we will show that we continue to resist no matter what. Gever and Hakkari have always been an example and guide with their struggle, resistance and stance of the Kurds. We will win no matter what. History will write about those who resisted. History will write about the resistance of the people of Gever and Colemêrg. Those who oppress this people will surely go to the dustbin of history one day. Our struggle is for that process to come immediately. No one should have any doubts, we will resist."