Religious scholars: We will be in Colemêrg to raise our voices louder 2024-06-12 16:17:06 WAN - Making a statement, the Religious Sciences Research Association stated that they will be at the Colemêrg rally tomorrow against the appointment of trustees and said: "Together, we will raise our voices louder against the usurpation of will." The Religious Sciences Research Association in Wan called for participation in the rally that will be held tomorrow in the city against the appointment of a trustee to the Colemêrg Municipality, with the motto "Municipalities belong to the people, we will not allow usurpation".   Speaking in the statement made at the association building, association member Emin Ay stated that they would go to the city against the usurpation of the will of the people and said: "We will attend the rally tomorrow as religious scholars to stand by the people of Colemêrg. It is a persecution according to Islam. This is not an acceptable situation. All people are free in their right to choose and be elected. Despite all the difficulties, an election was held in Colemêrg and the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) won the election. However, a trustee was appointed unlawfully. Justice is for everyone. Together, we will raise our voices louder against the usurpation of will."