2 students caught in current in Fırtına Creek dies 2024-06-12 10:27:44 RIZE - 2 of the Quran course students who were caught in the current in Fırtına Creek in Rize lost their lives, and 2 students continue to be treated in intensive care.   6 children, who were students of the Tulunoğlu Dursun Efendi Regional Boarding Quran Course affiliated with the Presidency of Religious Affairs in Rize's Ardeşen district, were swept away by the current in the artificial lake in Fırtına Valley. 2 of the students died, and 2 students were treated in the intensive care unit of Kaçkar State Hospital. It was stated that the students who lost their lives were 16 and 17 years old.   Making a statement on the issue, Ardeşen District Governorate announced that a judicial investigation was initiated by the Pazar Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and an administrative investigation was initiated by the Ardeşen District Governorate, and one person was detained.   It was stated that the person detained is a Quran course teacher.   'THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL EDUCATION MUST RESIGN'   CHP Rize Deputy Tahsin Ocaklı stated in his statement that the school and the Ministry of National Education are responsible for the safety of the children and said: "The Minister of National Education must resign. Children may prefer this, and families may also prefer it. But what you need to do is to take precautions and ensure that these children are educated in a safe environment. The Minister of National Education needs to be held accountable on this issue."