Journalist Buldan: Turkey cannot achieve the success it planned 2024-06-09 11:12:38   NEWS CENTER - Evaluating Turkey's ongoing attacks, journalist Keser Buldan said: "Despite the use of banned weapons, the planned success cannot be achieved."   The attacks launched by Turkey on April 17, 2022 against the Zap, Metina and Avaşin areas of the Federated Kurdistan Region continue. Turkey, which took the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) on its side, could not achieve the results it planned despite resorting to chemical and banned weapons thousands of times. Turkey, which started to look for new partners in its attacks, increased its meeting traffic with Iraq, Iran and KDP governments on the one hand.   According to the data of the first 5 months of 2024, a total of 1,746 attacks were carried out by Turkey, including 199 warplane attacks, 64 prohibited explosive attacks, 113 explosive-laden drone attacks, 83 attack helicopters and 287 chemical weapon attacks.   'PROHIBITED WEAPONS ARE BEING USED'   Journalist Keser Buldan, who closely follows Turkey's ongoing attacks on the region, evaluated the latest developments. Stating that the attacks launched by Turkey continue in the Avaşin, Metîna, Zap, Xakurkê and Garê regions with the partnership of KDP, Buldan said: “While Turkey is attacking Kurdistan with all its might, HPG is responding with new techniques it has developed against Turkey's attacks. Civilian areas are also targeted in the attacks. According to HPG's data, a number of prohibited weapons, including chemical weapons, have been used since 2021. These attacks are embodied not only in numbers but also in the bitter reality of inhumane brutality. HPG's 2021 report recorded 367 chemical weapon attacks, and in 2022 this number increased to 3 thousand 280. Although it decreased in 2023, it increased again in 2024. This information reflects only a part of Turkey's horrific attacks against the Kurds. These attacks should be evaluated not only as a result of loss of life, but also as an attack on humanity."     (Journalist Keser Buldan)     'KDP COOPERATION'   Pointing out that the attacks remained inconclusive despite the use of all prohibited and heavy weapons, Buldan said: “Turkey is conducting diplomacy traffic in the region. An intense diplomatic traffic was carried out especially in Baghdad and Hewlêr. These visits show that Turkey has accepted its defeat against the Kurds and is seeking support. However, the main reason for the ongoing attacks in Southern Kurdistan since 2022 is the support of the KDP. The main reason why these attacks are not on the agenda of Southern Kurdistan is the dirty politics of the KDP. Currently, while there is a serious threat in the region and the people live anxiously, the southern administration and the collaborator KDP are partners and provide all kinds of support. However, there is historical resistance to this. And this resistance limits Turkey's chance to act."   'TURKEY CANNOT ACHIEVE THE SUCCESS IT PLANNED'   Underlining that Turkey has difficulty in overcoming the crises it is in, Buldan continued his words as follows: “The developments in the region have also affected Turkey. When economic and political difficulties are combined with regional problems such as Syria, Iraq and the Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey's security and economic policies are directly affected. The pressures created by the war weaken Turkey and negatively affect it economically and politically. In the war in Kurdistan, Turkey cannot achieve the success it planned."