Application to IHD for 30-year prisoner whose release postponed for second time 2024-06-08 10:54:25 AMED - The release of Sedat Atsız, a 30-year-old ill prisoner held in Bolu Type  F Prison, was postponed for the second time. Atsız's family applied to the İHD against rights violations.   The release of Sedat Atsız (54), a 30-year-old ill prisoner who is held in Bolu Type F Closed Prison and whose execution was postponed for 3 months on March 1 on the grounds that he did not accept the imposition of "regret", was postponed once again for 6 months on June 5.    Atsız's family, who called the prison on June 5, was informed that his release was postponed for the second time. While no explanation was given regarding the reason, the family applied to the Amed Branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) regarding the violation of rights.   Atsız's wife, Aygül Atsız, stated that her husband had health problems and said: “My husband is ill. There is a spot on his liver. He has prostate and kidney disease. He has already been a prisoner for 30 years without committing any crime. Why are their releases blocked for 3 months, 6 months? We don't know the reason. He needs to be free. We are very curious about him."   Stating that her husband has Colostrophobia (fear of closed spaces) and cannot travel in the ring vehicle, Atsız stated that he cannot go to the hospital for this reason. Atsız said: “The doctor in prison only gives a pill or medicine. They do'nt do anything else, my husband suffers."    'WHY HE SAYS 'I REGRET'?'   Stating that she last saw her husband on March 1, Atsız said: “They tell my husband, 'be regret'. He doesn't say 'I regret'. Why would he say 'I regret'? It doesn't make sense for them to impose such a thing on them. I condemn this. As long as they are miserable inside, we are miserable outside too. A person whose sentence is over is set free, not enslaved. Enough is enough. They served their punishment. Why do they cause so much trouble, cruelty and insults? Is it because we are Kurds?"   WHO IS SEDAT ATSIZ?   Atsız was detained in Istanbul in 1994, when he was 24, and tried at the Diyarbakır State Security Court (DGM). Atsız was sentenced to life imprisonment on the charge of "disrupting the unity and integrity of the state" in the file in which he was tried. Atsız remained in Mûş, Tekirdağ, Amed and Bolu prisons for 30 years, respectively. Atsız, who has various diseases, had a heart attack while in Diyarbakır Prison in 2019. The release of Atsız was blocked for the second time due to his prostate and kidney problems.