Jorunalist Süleyman Ahmet's hearing on June 30 2024-06-04 08:41:16 NEWS CENTER - Duhok Criminal Court set the date of the first hearing of Journalist Süleyman Ahmet, who has been detained by the KDP for 223 days, as June 30.   The first hearing of Rojnews editor Süleyman Ahmet, who was heard from 211 days after he was kidnapped by the KDP, was set for June 30 by the Duhok Criminal Court.   Beşdar Hasan, one of the lawyers of Süleyman Ahmet Defense Group, said the following to Rojnews on the issue: “After our meeting with Süleyman Ahmet, we received the power of attorney and it was confirmed that we are his lawyer. Duhok Criminal Court stated that Süleyman Ahmet's first hearing will be held on June 30. Our client, Süleyman Ahmet, is being tried on the allegation of 'disturbing the security of the Kurdistan Region', numbered 21 of the Kurdistan Region Parliament dated 2003."