Sûr Municipality announced remaining debt from trustee 2024-05-20 12:19:07 AMED - Sûr Municipality announced that it remained in debt of 143 million 228 thousand 558.99 Liras from the trustee period. Sûr Municipality, under the management of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), announced that the debt remaining from the trustee is 143 million 228 thousand 558.99 Liras. The following details about the debt were included in the statement:    * Loan debt to banks: 38 million 843 thousand 47.19 Liras   * SSI debt: 10 million 230 thousand 200.06 Liras   * Company debts: 14 million 833 thousand 819.67 Liras   * Tax debt: 1 million 989 thousand 238.05 Liras   * Institutional debts: 4 million 741 thousand 377.28 Liras   * Amount of files to be submitted for enforcement and their interest: 45 million 295 thousand 438.37 Liras   * Final debt from the courts: 27 million 295 thousand 438.37 Liras   INCOME DID NOT MEET EXPENSES   In the statement, it was stated that more than 50 percent of the budget envisaged in 2024 was spent. In the statement, it was stated that the total income of the municipality in May was 14 million 79 thousand 673.51 Liras, and the expenses were 26 million 460 thousand 213.80 Liras. It was recorded that the amount of personnel salaries alone was 22 million 798 thousand 636 Liras. In the statement, it was stated that the difference between income and expenses in May was 12 million 380 thousand 540.29 Liras and the following was said: "All our people should know that we have the determination and competence to overcome these problems. No one should have any doubt that we will permanently solve the problem regarding personnel salaries and all the damage and deficiencies created by the trustee approach."