Letter from soldier who attempted suicide due to mobbing 2024-05-15 11:06:14   MÊRDÎN - Senior Sergeant Süleyman A., who attempted suicide in Karaz district on May 5, stated in the letter he wrote before the incident that he was subjected to mobbing by the police station commander.   It was learned that Senior Sergeant Süleyman A., who was working at the Gendarmerie Command in Amed's Karaz (Kocaköy) district, attempted suicide and his health condition is serious. According to the information obtained; Süleyman A. attempted suicide with a gun in his home at 08.15 am on May 5. Süleyman A. was first taken to the District State Hospital. Since his condition was serious, the ambulance was sent to Dicle University Faculty of Medicine by helicopter. It was learned that Süleyman A.'s treatment is still continuing and his condition is serious.   While no statement was made by official institutions regarding the incident, Mezopotamya Agency (MA) received the letter that Süleyman A. wrote before attempting suicide. In his letter, Süleyman A. explained the mobbing he was exposed to and stated that his commanders would be responsible for his death.   THE LETTER HE SENT TO HIS FRIENDS   The entire letter that Süleyman A. prepared digitally and sent to his friends before his suicide is as follows:   “Commander, with your permission one last time, let this world be yours. Yes, you won, you intimidated, you depressed, you crushed, you managed to turn it into nothing. My rights are halal to everyone, but my rights are forbidden to 2 people, Mehmet D. and Muzaffer M. I am leaving this world because of them. You literally played on me and you succeeded. Because of you, even my wife has stopped respecting me. I argued yesterday and today only because of you. I knew that military service was difficult. But I didn't know people would mess with you.    You didn't value as much as the citizen you gave a ram to. You turned a blind eye to everything when it came to someone else. How many people came late to meetings, and cars that had accidents and were painted were ignored? But it is not a crime to drive your father home with your official car. Or it is not a crime to cause your father to suffer the accident that happened when your father was a civilian (unclear), but it is a crime for me to even breathe at the police station. I didn't ask for much from you. I just wanted my rights. You found it difficult to be fair. Even the most district space was given to me at the police station. You gave the dirtiest place, the boiler room, as a spare.   I use administrative leave like everyone else. You're coming after me. You made a video call with my wife. Don't say behind my back that the debtor did it for him. This is not my first time paying debt. You, Mehmet, have ruined my psychology. Take it, you're saved from me. There must be someone at the police station who saw and heard what was done to me.   Let this world be yours. Deliver my remains to my wife and family. They do what is necessary. I will wait for Mehmet asb and Muzaffer M. in the afterlife. They are the reason I left this world. God takes what God gives, but you took my life. Let the burden of taking one life be enough for you for a lifetime. There's more to say, but I won't write any more. Maybe it will be accepted or maybe not, Mehmet D. and Muzaffer M., whom I have not forgiven, are responsible for my death. Let them not accept it as much as they want. From now on, mobbing whomever you want. Cause another life. As I said, my rights are halal to everyone except 2 people.”   MA / Ahmet Kanbal