After Celal Başlangıç: He traced the truth 2024-05-03 12:20:38   NEWS CENTER - In the condolence messages shared on the virtual media after the death of journalist Celal Başlangıç, it was stated that "He was a real journalist who not only wrote the truth but also fought for the truth, he fought for democracy and freedom."   Following the death of journalist Celal Giriş, many people, including journalists, politicians and artists, shared messages of condolence. The messages published on the virtual media platform following the death of Başlangıç, known for his news drawing attention to human rights violations in Kurdish cities in the 1990s, are as follows:   Dicle Fırat Journalists Association: Journalist Celal Başlangıç died in the hospital in Cologne, Germany, where he had been treated for cancer for a while. He was an exemplary journalist to his colleagues with his journalism. He was a journalist who always supported the struggle for free press. He was a journalist who took the truth as his principle and not only wrote the truth but also fought for the truth. We learned with sadness about the death of our valuable colleague and offer our condolences to his family and colleagues.   Contemporary Journalists Association (ÇGD): We lost our colleague Celal Başlangıç, who set an example for the younger generations with his fearless and courageous news and who served as the Istanbul Branch President of our Association for a while. We offer our condolences to his friends and family.   Journalist-Author Ahmet Nesin: What have we not done in 45 years, Celal Başlangıç, we laughed, we drank, we passed news on each other, we struggled together, we argued, we fought, but now I will wander around in a daze all day. Everything is left behind, but your beauty is always with me.   HE DID RIGHT JOURNALISM   Halk TV Editor-in-Chief Suat Toktaş: Doing serious journalism in the 90s meant walking arm in arm with death. Celal Başlangıç never shied away from prying eyes. He was a journalist for rights and fought for democracy and freedom. We received the news of his death on World Press Freedom Day. With respect for your courage #CelalBaşlangıç    HE TRACKED THE TRUTH   Artist Ferhat Tunç: I woke up this morning with the deep sadness of the news that I saw. We have lost our dear friend journalist Celal Başlangıç, who lives in exile. I met him in those dark days of the 90s. He was tracking the villages that were evacuated and set on fire, and the people who were left unaccounted for after being taken from their homes. For years, he tried to shed light on those dark days filled with news of unsolved murders and massacres. We always saw him with us as we pursued the truth. He was not only a journalist, but also a good researcher and a strong writer. Most importantly, he was our friend and comrade with his conscientious and loving heart. Oh dear Celal, was it time to walk away now... I'm so sorry, my dear friend. However, we had a say; This exile would end and we would sing folk songs on the edge of Munzur until the morning.   Journalist-Writer Hayko Bağdat: We lost Brother Celal. I am really sad. He died in exile. My condolences to Abla Ayşe and all her fans...   WILL BE REMEMBERED WITH LONGNESS   Journalist Fehim Taştekin: Dear Celal Başlangıç also passed away. We are sad. Our professional elder, our friend, our brother, our friend... We will remember him with longing.    Former CHP Deputy, Journalist Barış Yarkadaş: We lost our journalist friend and brother Celal Giriş. The startup was known for its bold news that dispelled the climate of fear in the 80s. He deeply shook the society by writing that soldiers were feeding feces to the villagers in Yesilyurt. It took great courage to write this at that time. We worked together with Brother Celal at the Istanbul Branch of the Contemporary Journalists Association (ÇGD). He has always been with us. We will always remember him well.   Journalist Çiğdem Toker: He was our kind-hearted professional who illuminated the darkness of the '80 coup with his brave dossier news. We lost Celal Başlangıç on World Press Freedom Day.   Öztürk Türkdoğan, Deputy Chair of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party): I offer my condolences to the press community, family and loved ones on the death of journalist Celal Başlangıç. He was a good and combative journalist who reported and followed the rights violations against Kurds and dissidents. May it continue forever.   HE WAS A REAL JOURNALIST   DEM Party Kocaeli Deputy Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu: May God rest his soul. A real journalist. Honest, brave and honorable in reflecting the facts. Master journalist Celal Başlangıç passed away.   DEM Party Wan Deputy Pervin Buldan, who lost her husband Savaş Buldan to an "undentified" murder: He was a journalist who wrote and researched a lot about endentified murders during the period he wrote for Radikal newspaper. He would not let go of human rights violations. We learned of his death today. May your soul rest in peace, Celal Başlangıç.