Statement against drugs in Êlih 2024-02-18 18:56:53   ÊLIH - Drawing attention to the use of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes in the country, Êlih Labor and Democracy Platform listed the precautions that must be taken.   Êlih Labor and Democracy Platform made a statement in Atatürk Park against the increasing substance addiction in the city. Chamber representatives of the Union of Chambers of Engineers and Architects of Turkey (TMMOB), members and managers of the Leather Weaving and Textile Workers Union (DERITEKS) attended the statement, where the banner "Don't be addicted, be free" was carried.   Making the statement, Petroleum Labor Union Êlih Branch President Veysel Kartal stated that drug addiction causes short and long-term health problems as well as behavioral and relationship problems. Stating that alcohol and cigarette use mostly begins in adolescence, Kartal noted that drug use mostly begins under the age of 20. Stating that according to the results of studies conducted among the young population in Turkey, more than half of young people have smoking experience, Kartal stated that the rate of alcohol use at least once in their life is 35-45 percent, and drug use is 8 percent. Kartal said that in order to prevent drug addiction, the availability of drugs must be prevented, media content that encourages drugs must be restricted, guidance services in schools must be strengthened, school, student and family relations should be strengthened, and centers and support services should be opened where young people and children can spend quality time.