Tens of thousands protest against conspiracy 2024-02-15 15:03:43   NEWS CENTER - Tens of thousands of people are marching in the cities of Northern and Eastern Syria to condemn the conspiracy against PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan.   Protests are being held in the Cizir (Dêrik, Qamişlo, Hesekê), Fırat (Kobanê), Shehba and Raqqa cantons of Northern and Eastern Syria on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the international conspiracy against PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan on February 15, 1999. A march is also being organized in Aleppo's Şêxmeqsûd and Eşrefiye neighborhoods. Tens of thousands of Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian and Armenian citizens participated in mass marches.   The crowd gathered in Azadi Square in the city of Dêrik and marched towards the Syrian Revolutionary Youth Movement Center.   The crowd met at Qamishlo's Osman Sabri Junction and marched towards the 12 March Martyrs Stadium.   The meeting place in Hesekê was Arîn Mîrkan Junction. Thousands of people are marching towards Sebax Junction.   In Kobanê, thousands of people will gather at the Martyr Arîn Mîrkan Junction and march to the end of the 48th street.   Residents of Afrin-Shehba Canton came together in Fafînê district of Shehba.   Residents of Aleppo's Şêxmeqsûd and Eşrefiyê started the march in front of the 8 March Hall. The walk will end at Zeytûn Junction in Eşrefiye.   Residents of Deir ez-Zor, Manbij and Tebqa gathered at Raqqa's Women's Junction and marched towards Neîm Junction.