Freedom Marchers in Şemrex: It's time for freedom 2024-02-12 15:33:54 MÊRDÎN - Politicians and democratic mass organization representatives, who continued their marches demanding "freedom and solution" in Şemrex, gave the message "This is the time for freedom".   The "Great Freedom March", which started on February 1 for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, continues its 12th day. Politicians and representatives of democratic mass organizations in the Wan branch of the march continued their march in Şemrex (Mazıdağı) district of Mêrdîn. The marchers started today's journey in the rural area between Dêrîk and Şemrex districts. The marchers danced halay for a while and then moved to the city centre.   ENTHUSIASTIC WELCOME   The marchers were welcomed with the accompaniment of drums and pipes at a petrol station in the city. The density of women in the audience attracted attention. Many people attended the reception wearing local clothes. Citizens gave carnations to the marchers and danced for a long time.   The marchers then walked with the crowd to the city centre. Slogans "Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)", "Bê Serok jiyan nabe (Without Leader there is no life)" and "Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistanc of dungeons)" were chanted throughout the march. Citizens along the march route also shared the enthusiasm of the marchers with victory signs and applause.   'ÊDÎ BES E' MARCH   Speaking after the march, DEM Party Mersin Deputy Perihan Koca expressed the demands. Koca said: "They are marching for a permanent and honourable peace, equality and freedom. This march is a march to pave the way for a democratic republic against the darkness of fascism. Therefore, it is a march to banish the darkness and find a new path. It is a march to determine the self-determination of the Kurds. Mothers for Peace said, It is the 'Êdî bes e (enough is enough)' march. It is the march of the Kurds who paid the heaviest price."   Drawing attention to the hunger strikes launched in the prisons of Kurdistan and Turkey to demand the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan, Koca said: “Greetings to the hunger strike resistances that are a voice for peace. Greetings to the Justice Watches marching under the leadership of Mothers for Peace. We will build peace together."   The next stop of the marchers will be Amed's Xana Axpar (Çınar) district.