Kurds and their supporters prepares big march for Ocalan 2024-02-07 10:54:34 ISTANBUL - Kurds and their supporters in Europe are preparing for a mass meeting and march to be held on the anniversary of the February 15 conspiracy. KCDK-E Co-chair ZubeydeZumrut emphasized that their actions will continue until Abdullah Ocalan regains his physical freedom.     On the 25th anniversary of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan brought to Turkey on February 15, 1999, as a result of a conspiracy by global powers, the anger of the Kurds and their supporters regarding the conspiracy has still not subsided. Actions and protests took place in Kurdistan, Turkey and different centers of the world from the first day against the conspiracy that was put into action as the first step of the Greater Middle East Initiative. As time passed, these reactions, instead of subsiding, grew over the years.   On October 10, 2023, the anniversary of his expulsion from Syria as the first stage of the conspiracy against Abdullah Ocalan, the "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign was launched at the international level under the leadership of world-renowned figures.   In this context, Kurds and their supporters who demand the freedom of Ocalan, who has been held in isolation on İmralı Island for 25 years, are preparing major protests in European cities on February 15.   ZubeydeZumrut, Co-Chair of the Congress of Democratic Societies of European Kurdistan (KCDK-E), gave information about the ongoing campaign and the protests they will carry out on February 15.   HISTORICAL YEAR   Stating that February 15 was defined as the "Black Day" by the Kurds, KCDK-E Co-Chair ZubeydeZumrut said that the Kurds and their supporters will curse the conspiracy with the actions and events they will carry out in the four parts of Kurdistan and Europe. Zumrut said: “This year is historic for us. In a historical year, there must be historical exits. There are people who have not heard about what is happening on Imralı Island for 3 years. Therefore, actions and activities will be carried out to coincide with the move launched on October 10 this year."   RESISTANCE AGAINST CONSPIRACY   Emphasizing that Turkey's deepening of the isolation in Imralı without any legal justification is an ideological approach, ZubeydeZumrut said: “The AKP government reveals its own ideology in the Imralı torture system and has continued this for years. As the Kurds, we do not accept this. We have been resisting this for years. This uninterrupted resistance frustrated the conspiracy decisions taken by international forces 25 years ago. The Kurds and their supporters have been building a global line of resistance in Europe and the world since October 10. This line of resistance is the line of Abdullah Ocalan's freedom. If we cannot build this line of resistance all over the world, we cannot break the Imralı isolation. What is being done now is to leave the Kurds breathless with isolation policies. We want a meeting with Abdullah Ocalan as soon as possible."    Zumrut stated that Imralı has become a place where torture is becoming more and more intense, and this situation increases their concerns, and also criticized the silence of international organizations, especially the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), regarding the Imralı isolation.   HISTORICAL RESPONSIBILITY   Underlining that the campaign they started to end this situation has the absolute aim of liberating Abdullah Ocalan, Zumrut noted that they started the February 15 protests with the campaign that started on October 10. Zumrut said that they will protest the conspiracy by flooding the areas on February 15, with the historical responsibility for the ongoing campaign.   HUNDRED THOUSAND CARDS WERE SENT TO IMRALI   Zumrut stated that they organized the sending of hundred thousand cards to Imralı from all over the world within the scope of the campaign and that the cards are still being sent. She drew attention to the "Great Freedom March" launched by Kurdish youth from Mannheim and internationalist youth from Basel on January 10.   MASS MEETING IN FRONT OF CPT ON FEBRUARY 15   Zumrut said that these marches, which are organized in 3 branches and cover 25 regions of Northern France, will end with a mass meeting in front of the CPT in Strasbourg on February 15.   Underlining that the 25-day march in France is of great importance as it is the first big march, Zumrut said: “This march, which will continue for 25 days, representing 25 years, continues in 25 different regions. Local people and the world public are informed about the isolation and 25-year physical captivity of Abdullah Ocalan on all march routes. In addition, diplomatic visits are made to various non-governmental organizations, human rights associations, political parties and thought-research institutions and information is provided regarding the purpose of the study."   THOUSAND SUPPORTERS, THOUSAND BANNER   Zumrut shared that a big rally will be held in Cologne, Germany, on February 17. Zumrut said: “Our goal is for hundreds of thousands of people to take part in marches and mass meetings with their own banners. Everyone should attend this mass meeting with a great spirit of mobilization. The mass meeting, we will hold on February 17 is not an end for us, but a beginning. It is necessary to raise this bar. Interlocutors in Europe need to step in to destroy the Imralı system."   THE MESSAGE FROM THE ACTIONS IN EUROPE   Zumrut said: "He is the leader and the will of the millions you hold on Imralı Island. In the activities we hold until February 15, we will say this to the international powers, ‘You cannot approach Abdullah Ocalan only as an individual. You are currently holding the will of millions hostage in Imralı’. A message will be given that this hostage policy and isolation you implement has no legal basis. Again, the message will be given that the addressee and key point of the Kurdish issue is Imralı. A message will be given that the address of the crisis and solution in the Middle East is in Imralı. With these actions and mass meetings, the existing legal institutions in Europe will be called upon to do their duty. European countries need to take a stand against the lawlessness and anti-democratic practices of AKP fascism in Turkey. Turkey is actually committing war crimes. But by remaining silent, international powers are committing war crimes and will eventually be tried. But we, as a people, need to get out of this routine.”   'OUR STRUGGLE CONTINUES'   Emphasizing that there is no other way than resistance, Zumrut said: “We have known nothing but resistance until today. We also resisted in the streets.  We will resist in the streets and we will succeed in the streets. The mass meeting on February 17 is a beginning for the coming period. Our struggle will continue until Abdullah Ocalan regains his physical freedom."   MA / Esra Solin Dal