Hatimogulları: We will rebuild Antakya 2024-02-06 11:06:05 HATAY - Speaking at the earthquake commemoration in Hatay, DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimogulları emphasized that they will rebuild Antakya and continue to search for the lost. In Hatay, where great destruction was experienced in the February 6 earthquakes centered in Mereş, a commemoration program was organized at 04.17, when the first earthquake occurred a year later. Thousands of people came together in Köprübaşı. People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları, Republican People's Party (CHP) Chair Ozgür Ozel, Turkish Workers' Party (TIP) Chair Erkan Baş and many members of parliament and representatives of non-governmental organizations also attended the commemoration.   'PAIN AND ANGER'   In the commemoration dominated by pain and anger, bahurs were burned for those who lost their lives. After the commemoration held here, the crowd moved to the area where the Rana Apartment was located, which was blockaded by the police with barricades and was not allowed to enter. In memory of those who lost their lives in Rana Apartment, candles were lit in the rubble of the apartment building. The slogan "No forgetting, no forgiving, no saying goodbye" was frequently chanted.    'AFTER ONE YEAR THE STATE STILL NOT HERE'   DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları expressed her condolences to the earthquake victims. Hatimoğulları said: “Even though a year has passed, the state still not here. People trying to continue their lives are still writhing in pain. Yesterday, the president said with his own words, ‘We did not send aid to Hatay knowingly and willingly.’ The people of ancient Antakya were left to die. We will never forget, we will never let you forget."   Emphasizing that they will rebuild life in earthquake zones, Hatimoğulları said: “Just as Antakya, the queen of the East, managed to rebuild itself 7 times, we will rebuild our city once again. There were long conversations on television about those who still haven't been found. Unfortunately, our request to establish a commission for people searching for their missing people was rejected by the vote of the government and its partners. However, we will continue to search for our missing people until they are found."   COMMEMORATION IN SAMANDAG   Those who lost their lives in the earthquake in Hatay's Samandag district were also commemorated.