Great Freedom March in Botan 2024-02-04 18:07:25   ŞIRNEX - The Great Freedom Marchers who reached Elkê district were welcomed with the slogan "Bijî azadî, bimire koletî".   Those in the Wan branch of the "Great Freedom March", which was launched for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, arrived in Elkê (Beytüşşebap) district of Şirnex (Şırnak). Deputies of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) and representatives of non-governmental organizations were welcomed on the Elkê road, where they danced to the accompaniment of Kurdish verses. The crowd, who then marched with the slogan "Bijî berxedana zindanan (Long live resistance of dungeons)", was welcomed with great enthusiasm at the entrance of the district. The march, with participation from the center, continued towards the DEM Party district building. During the march, slogans such as "Bijî berxedana zindanan", "Bijî azadî bimire koletî (Long live freedom, down with slavery)" and "Jin, Jîyan, Azadî (Woman, Life, Freedom)" were frequently chanted.   'THE GOAL IS FREEDOM OF MR. OCALAN'   The freedom marchers, who were welcomed in front of the party building, made a statement after greeting the citizens one by one. DEM Party Riha (Urfa) Deputy Dilan Kunt Ayan stated that they met with the people city by city, district by district, village by village and reminded that their march will end in Riha's Amara (Omerli) village on February 15.  Ayan said: "The main purpose of this march is to ensure the freedom of Mr. Öcalan. With this demand, we stand against the assimilation policy that has been applied to the Kurds for years. Again, Mr. Öcalan must take his place at the negotiation table again as the primary interlocutor for the solution of the Kurdish issue through democratic ways. I greet you all with enthusiasm and respect."   'KURDS DO NOT ACCEPT ISOLATION'   Cengiz Yerlikaya, one of the citizens who took part in the freedom march, also pointed out that the ongoing isolation of Abdullah Öcalan has become even worse in the last 3 years. Emphasizing that isolation is a crime against humanity, Yerlikaya underlined that the Kurds do not accept it.  Yerlikaya said: “The public should join these actions and protect their values. Prisoners went on hunger strike against the isolation imposed on leader of the Kurds Mr. Abdullah Öcalan. If there is no voice from Imralı, there will be corpses in prisons. As their relatives, we must not remain silent and embrace them and their action.”   FREEDOM MARCH IN BOTAN FOR 4 DAYS   Lastly, DEM Party Şirnex Provincial Co-chair Abdullah Gungen said: “The war in the Middle East will not end until the isolation on Mr. Öcalan is abolished. Therefore, everyone who is a rights defender must stand against this isolation. We, as the Botan organization, will be with the freedom passengers for 4 days."   After the speeches, the freedom marchers and the public went to the party building and danced to the songs sung there.   After, marchers will go to Roboskî village of Qileban district and visit the graves of 34 citizens who were murdered on December 28, 2011.