Great Freedom March in Agırî: Abdullah Ocalan must be free 2024-02-04 14:19:06 AGIRÎ - Today's first stop for politicians and representatives of democratic mass organizations in the "Great Freedom March" was Agirî center. DEM Party member Heval Bozdağ said: "The freedom of Mr. Abdullah Ocalan is our demand." The "Great Freedom March", which was initiated to ensure the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and to solve the Kurdish issue, continues its 4th day. Today's first stop for the politicians and representatives of democratic mass organizations in the Qers (Kars) branch of the march is Agirî (Ağrı) centre. Marchers came together in Agirî center and marched to the DEM Party election office. During the march, they frequently chanted slogans such as "Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of dungeons)" and "Bê serok jiyan nabe (without Leader there is no life)". Citizens around also supported the marchers with applause and chants.   'DEMAND FREEDOM OF OCALAN'      DEM Party Agirî Deputy Heval Bozdag said: "The oppressed and those who struggle for democracy want equality and justice. Equality and justice are not enough, freedom is what will crown this. Our demand is the freedom of Mr. Abdullah Ocalan. The march is also the march of the people resisting fascism. Today, serious budgets are allocated to the defense industry and arms dealers. A large part of the country's budget is transferred to the war and this budget comes from the people's pockets. If this budget was spent on the people, prosperity would come. This great march is the march of standing against this."   Bozdag continued as follows: "This march must be on the agenda and discussed. The politics of that turns people into enemies must be stopped. The Kurds are paying the price for this. We will have these demands heard wherever we go. Today, there are hunger strikes in the dungeons. There are bad conditions. The prisoners are resisting against this. People are paying the price against lawlessness. It is in our hands to break this lawlessness. For this, we invite all our people to act together."   The marchers then set out towards Panos (Patnos) district.