The Great Freedom March on its second day 2024-02-02 14:07:03   COLEMÊRG- The Wan branch of the “Great Freedom March” was welcomed in Şemzînan with the slogan “Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of the dungeons)”. After the welcome, the marchers danced the "freedom" halay.   The "Great Freedom March" launched for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue continues on its second day. Politicians and representatives of non-governmental organizations in the Wan branch of the march went to Şemzînan (Şemdinli) district of Hakkari (Colemêrg) today. Marchers wearing aprons written "Meşa Azadiyê/Freedom March" came together with the public in the city center.   THE MARCH   The marchers were welcomed with applause and chants by the party members at the entrance of the city. Then, a march was held to the DEM Party District Organization building. Slogans such as "Bijî berxwadana zindanan", "No to isolation, peace right now" and "Bimre koletî, bijî azadî (Long live freedom, down with slavery)" were shouted throughout the march. Citizens along the march route also supported the marchers with applause and victory signs.       IRMEZ: OUR MARCH IS A DEMOCRACY MARCH   Greeting those who welcomed them, DEM Party Şirnex Deputy Zeki Irmez said: “This march is a march for peace and democracy. There has been isolation on Leader of the Kurds Abdullah Ocalan for 35 months. This isolation must be end.”   Stating that hopes for peace grew in every period when Abdullah Ocalan stepped in, Irmez said: "The people of Turkey and Kurdistan are waiting for a voice to be heard from Imralı for peace. Many actions were carried out for this. Our prisoner friends went on hunger strike to ‘end the isolation’. So we started the march to end this isolation. We are determined, we will continue our march with determination.    KAYA: OCALAN MUST BE FREE   MED TUHAD-FED Co-chair Emine Kaya also pointed out that they set out for the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan and said: "Mr. Ocalan wants peace. If this peace comes true, it will be with the help of Mr. Ocalan. That's why Mr. Ocalan needs to be freed as soon as possible." .   Şemzînan Municipality Co-Mayor candidates also reacted to the Imralı isolation. DEM Party District Co-chair Agit Tekin said: “Your arrival is historic for us. Your march will help to end the isolation imposed on our Leader and end the isolation imposed on the prisoners.”   After the speeches, marchers and citizens danced the halay. At the exit of the city, the marchers danced the “freedom” halay among the high mountains.   The marchers’ next stop will be Gever (Yüksekova) district