He waits for his imprisoment father for 31 years 2024-02-01 15:04:32   ŞIRNEX - Ill prisoner Ahmet Zenger has been in prison for 31 years and his release has been postponed for the 3rd time. Abdullah Zenger, who met his father in prison, said: “When I took my first step, spoke or went to university, my father was not there. I went from prison to prison with him."   Ahmet Zenger (63), who was arrested in Şırnak in 1993 due to his ideas and sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment by the State Security Court (DGM), has been moved from prison to prison for 31 years. Zenger, who suffers from epilepsy, had a child named Abdullah 4 months after his arrest. Zenger is currently imprisoned in Giresun Espiye Type L Closed Prison. Zenger's son Abdullah stated that he knew his father within four walls and reacted to the three times postponement of his release by the Prison Administration and Observation Board (IGK). Son Zenger, said that he came to Şırnak from Istanbul for release, but returned with nothing every time. Prison Observation Board asked his father: "Is PKK a terrorist organization?" and it’s imposed remorse. Son Zenger noted that his father’s release is extended again for 6 months on January 24.     'I SAW MY FATHER FOR THE FIRST TIME WHEN I WAS 5 YEARS OLD'   Abdullah Zenger said: “My father was arrested in 1993 and I was born 4 months later. I never saw my father neither at home nor outside. I met my father within four walls. It was a very difficult process. I was 5 years old when I went to see my father. That's when I saw my father for the first time. I grew up without a father, so I had very difficult days. He seemed strange to me at first sight. But then, little by little, I got to know my father and felt him. I was always missing him. Of course, my father was not with me when I took my first step, my father was not with me when I started talking, and my father was not with me when I went to university. I didn't have a father from the age of 1 until I am 31. I experienced his absence and lack very deeply. In this photo in my hand, when I was 15 years old, I went to see him and took this photo with him there. It is very difficult to express the emotions I felt at that moment."   'I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR 31 YEARS'   Zenger said: “My father was arrested upon complaints. When I was little, I couldn't understand why my father was arrested, so I was asking around, ‘Why was my father arrested?’ I have been waiting for my father to be released from prison for 31 years. Some of my father's friends have been released, his release is postponed every time. A hope arose in me and I said, 'They will release him too.' However, even though his sentence is over, they do not let him go. His release has been extended for 6 months 3 times. They act arbitrarily. These actions are unfair and unjust. After a person has been in prison for 31 years, one asks him, 'Do you regret it?' These people did nothing to regret."   'I VISITED THE PRISON WITH HIM'   Emphasizing that his father was exiled to a different prison every 2 years, Zenger summarized his feelings as follows: “It was very difficult, especially for my mother. My mother has not been able to go to my father's visits for 8 years because she has been ill. My father also has epilepsy. Because he has this disease, he constantly has seizures. Every year, they say 'he will be released this year', but his release is postponed arbitrarily. Today, not only my father but also dozens of his friends are in the same situation. We must not remain silent against this oppression. All human rights associations need to voice against this oppression."   MA / Zeynep Durgut