Justice Watch: Let's join Great Freedom March 2024-01-31 17:20:35   NEWS CENTER - Prisoner relatives, who continue their action for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, called for participation in the "Great Freedom March" that will start tomorrow in Kars.    The Justice Watch, led by prisoners' relatives and non-governmental organizations for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, continued in many cities.   ADANA   The Justice Watch, initiated by the Akdeniz Adana Association for Assistance with Families of Detainees and Convicts (AATUHAY-DER), continues its 59th day. During the action, which started with shouts and continued by Mothers for Peace, slogans such as "Bê Serok jiyan nabe (Without Leader there is no life)" and "Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of the dungeons)" were frequently chanted. Activists called on all segments of society to fight for the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan.   WAN   The action initiated by the relatives of the prisoners and the Association for Assistance with the Families of Prisoners and Convicts (TUHAY-DER) continues on the 58th day at the DBP Provincial Organization building. Kurd politician Yakup Ataş, who visited the justice watch, said: “The demands of the prisoners must be met immediately. We hope that the action will achieve its goal as soon as possible. In order to end this isolation imposed on Mr. Ocalan, all the Kurds must revolt." The action continued with the slogans "Bijî berxwedana zindanan" and "Jin, Jîyan, Azadî (Woman, Life, Freedom)".   IZMIR   The Justice Watch, initiated under the leadership of the Aegean Association for Assistance with Families of Detainees and Convicts (EGE TUHAYDER) and Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA), continues its 15th day. During the action held at the DBP Aegean Regional Representation, banners were opened: "Li dijî tecrîdê berxwedan (Resistance against absolute isolation)", "Ji bo edaletê tecrîdê bişkînin (End the absolute isolation for justice)". Slogans of "Bijî berxwedana zindanan" were frequently chanted during the action.   AMED   The Justice Watch, initiated under the leadership of the Assistance and Solidarity Association with the Families of Detainees and Convicts (TUAY-DER), continues its 58th day at the DEM Party Rêzan (Bağlar) District Organization building. Those who attended the action wore aprons written, "Isolation is a crime against humanity" and chanted the slogans "Biji berxwedana zindanan" and "Tekoşiname rojbu roj mezin dibe(Our struggle is growing day by day)".   The letter of solidarity sent by the prisoners in Diyarbakır Prison was read to the relatives of the prisoners on duty.   Prisoner relatives called for participation in the "Great Freedom March" that will start tomorrow in Kars and Wan.