‘Isolation is being implemented to prevent people from being inspired by ideas of Ocalan’ 2024-01-29 13:30:46   ANKARA- Party members who continue their hunger strike at DEM Party Ankara Provincial Organization said that they will fight until the isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan ends.   The hunger strike action launched by the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Ankara Provincial Organization in support of the hunger strike actions that have been going on for 64 days in prisons with the demand of "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" is on its fifth day.   DEM Party Ankara Provincial Director Fahrettin Durmaz, Etimesgut District Co-chair Mehmet Yanar, district administrator Şeref Özakdağ, Mamak District Co-chair Mustafa Kartal and district administrator Nurettin Bilir talked about the hunger strike actions.    ISOLATION WAS DEVELOPED AGAINST HIS IDEAS   Drawing attention to the pressures on the Kurds and their leader throughout the history of the Republic, Fahrettin Durmaz said: "Sometimes on the battlefield, sometimes in dungeons, and most recently, with the capture of the Kurds’ Leader Mr. Abdullah Ocalan in 1999, a constant isolation policy is pursued against him." Stating that the Kurds are wanted to be left without a leader, Durmaz said: “Such isolation is being implemented in order not to be inspired by the philosophy, paradigm and policies of the Kurds’ Leader Mr. Abdullah Ocalan. We embraced the struggle to give voice to the hunger strikes that started in prisons and the outside against this isolation. We started a hunger strike to push back the isolation imposed on Mr. Abdullah Ocalan and to explain and bring to the agenda its effects on society. In this sense, we call on the people of Turkey and Kurdistan to embrace the hunger strike actions and support to the prisoners. We will continue this fight until the end. For this, we are determined and strong-willed. We get our strength from Mr. Ocalan and the prisoners in prisons.”   'WE HAVE BEEN IN ISOLATION FOR A HUNDRED YEARS'   DEM Party Etimesgut District Co-chair Mehmet Yanar also stated that the Kurds have been isolated for a hundred years and that this oppression and injustice must end. Yanar said: “We will achieve results by further expanding our struggle. We must all expand the fight together to avoid more dire consequences. Only in this way can we overcome this process.”   'IT WILL BRINGS PEACE TO TURKEY'   DEM Party Etimesgut District Manager Şeref Özakdağ also reminded that Ocalan has been in absolute isolation for 35 months and that no news has been received from him and said: “We will continue our struggle until the end to end this isolation. As people, we will do our best. That's why we took over this watch. If the rotating hunger strike does not get results, the prisoners announced that they will go on permanent hunger strike. We will continue our actions until the isolation remains. Negotiations with Imralı will bring peace to Turkey. Blood, tears and war will stop. If Turkey does not integrate with the Kurds, it will be like Iraq and Syria."   ISOLATION IS FOR ALL THE OPPRESSED   DEM Party Mamak District Co-chair Mustafa Kartal also expressed his feelings and thoughts as follows: “The isolation imposed on PKK leader Mr. Ocalan is also applied to the Kurdish freedom struggle and the Kurds. The isolation of the PKK leader is aimed at the oppressed workers in Turkey and all others. In this sense, we are on strike to oppose this isolation and to support the hunger strike actions launched in prisons. We are trying to explain the process to the society and share the struggle."   'THEY WANT TO TAKE HIS PHILOSOPHY FROM THE PUBLIC'   Commenting on the hunger strikes, DEM Party Mamak district manager Nurettin Bilir said: “They developed a move to isolate Ocalan's thought and philosophy from the people. However, his thoughts and ideas are always with us and we continue this struggle. There has been an absolute isolation that has lasted for 35 months. We, as a people, do not accept this isolation. If we make the fight against this isolation, we will achieve results. Because the only interlocutor who will strengthen peace and unity in the Middle East and assume this responsibility is Mr. Abdullah Ocalan. For this reason, we started a hunger strike against the isolation. We will strive to integrate and expand the struggle until the isolation is abolished. We are making efforts to resolve this process and ensure negotiations before it turns into a permanent hunger strike."