145th month of the massacre: Roboski is a test of the state and the government 2024-01-28 20:56:49 ANKARA - "The path to peace and justice in these lands will definitely pass through Roboskî first," said IHD Ankara Branch Co-chair Aslı Saraç, adding that Roboskî was a test of the state and the government.   Justice for Roboskî Initiative made a statement in front of the Ankara Branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) on the 145th month of the Roboskî Massacre. In the statement "Let the murderers be found, Roboskî never again" banner was unfurled, the press text was read by IHD Ankara Branch Co-chair Aslı Saraç.   Stating that there will be no justice in Turkey without justice for Roboskî, Saraç said: “This lack of governance is killing us every day. The Roboski Massacre is the beginning of the new fascist, oppressive policies we experience today. We see that this pressure continues today. In Halfeti, 3 Education and Science Workers Union (Eğitim-Sen) member school principals who shared the massacre on their social media accounts on its 12th anniversary are first taken into custody and then reprimanded and exiled to other districts. Is this how the massacre is wanted to be covered up and forgotten?”   'ROBOSKI IS THE TEST OF THE STATE AND THE GOVERNMENT'   Stating that the war that has been going on for 100 years can be ended with the mind of peace and democracy, Saraç said: “Protecting rights and freedoms must be your main responsibility and is indisputable. We remind you of the social contract you signed and demand an order where there is justice and no impunity. Equal, free, nature that not destroyed; We are here for a life where there is no discrimination of language, religion, race or class. We will continue to protect our right to life. We will all use our right to object uninterruptedly against war and violence that eliminates all human life and freedom. Justice is not, never has been, a process of emotional, material or physical compensation, and this country is floundering because it postpones confrontation. There is no justice without confrontation. Roboskî is Turkey's test. We will not sleep comfortably in our beds, nor will we let anyone sleep, until the day we come together against state and government violence and provide justice for Roboskî and all the massacres."   Calling for public awareness to reveal the facts behind the massacre, Saraç said: "We will continue to remind the Roboski Massacre on the 28th day of every month, to shout out and to say 'Let's raise our voices together.' Roboskî; is the test of the state and the government, the shame of this land, its bleeding wound and the search for justice. The path to peace and justice in these lands will definitely pass through Roboskî first.”