'The issue cannot be solved unless Abdullah Öcalan is free' 2024-01-24 11:13:33   AMED - MED-DER Co-Chair Remzi Azizoğlu, one of the signatories of the "Call for freedom from now to the future" declaration, said: "Neither the Kurdish issue nor any issue in the Middle East can be solved without Abdullah Öcalan being free."   While calls are being made by many groups for the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue, on October 29, 2023 in Amed, nearly 200 organizations, including political parties, associations and institutions, called for the end of the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and for the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue. They shared the declaration "A call for freedom from now to the future" with the public. Remzi Azizoğlu, Co-President of the Mezopotamya Language and Cultural Research Association (MED-DER), one of the signatories of the declaration, evaluated the İmralı isolation and the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign. MED-DER Co-Chair Remzi Azizoğlu   'MILLIONS DECLARED THEIR WILL'   Describing Abdullah Öcalan's not being allowed to meet with his family and lawyers as "absolute isolation", Azizoğlu stated that isolation is a crime in both the Turkish Constitution and international law. Stating that millions of people declared Abdullah Öcalan as their will, Azizoğlu said: “If they want to solve the Kurdish issue, they must first meet with him. The lack of any news for 34 months makes the public uneasy. CPT says 'I had a meeting' but does not provide any information."   Emphasizing that Abdullah Öcalan's messages were isolated to prevent them from reaching the public, Azizoğlu stated that the isolation was applied to all Kurds in the person of Abdullah Öcalan. Pointing out that international institutions have an impact on the continuation of the isolation, Azizoğlu said: “It is called international law, but this law is implemented for its own systems and interests. If it wasn't like this, the isolation wouldn't have continued this long."   'THE PARADIGM HAS SPREAD TO THE WORLD'   Stating that the Kurds are not accepted as equal citizens in Turkey, Azizoğlu said: "This system, which does not accept the Kurds, does not accept their elected officials and administrators. Abdullah Öcalan is an important actor in the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue and the solution of the issues in the Middle East. Abdullah Öcalan's paradigm and ideas have spread around the world and are discussed in many countries. When Öcalan is free, his paradigm will easily come to life. Wars end. People govern themselves together. Neither the Kurdish issue nor any issue in the Middle East can be solved unless Abdullah Öcalan is free. Öcalan also has a solution proposal to solve the issues."   'ACTIONS MUST BE SOCIALIZED'   Reminding South African Leader Nelson Mandela, who fought for the freedom of his people, Azizoğlu said: “Turkey must also comply with this law. Abdullah Öcalan must be free. The hunger strike continues in prisons for Öcalan's freedom. Mothers are at the Justice Watch. However, no results can be achieved with just a few families or individuals. Actions must be socialized.”   MA / Mehmet Güleş - Bazid Evren