If there is no vote for AKP, there is no road! 2024-01-24 11:08:34 ŞIRNEX - Citizens in Bafê village of Hezex district said that their roads have not been built for years because they did not vote for AKP.   Citizens in Bafê village, which is in Şirnex's Hezex (İdil) district and has a population of 650, have been complaining about the lack of construction of the village road for many years. In the last elections held in the village, the Green Left Party received 493 votes, while the AKP received only 22 votes. A similar situation exists in the elections held in previous years. Citizens who draw attention to the election results in question think that their roads were not built because they did not vote for the AKP in the elections.   The villagers built a part of the road, which had not been built a while ago, with their own means. However, with the rains, the part built turned into a molehill. The villagers' attempts to build the road were unsuccessful. Citizens who go to the city center with their vehicles every day are worried about both dust and damage to their vehicles.   VILLAGERS COMPLAIN   Hatice Kerçi (53), one of the villagers, pointed out that their vehicles were damaged due to bad roads and said: "We are not provided with any service. The roads of all the villages around us have been built. We are not given water in the summer. We experience great difficulties. Our streets are covered in mud in the winter and dust in the summer. Isn't this torture? Because we did not vote for them (AKP), our roads are not built. Even when we have patients, the ambulance cannot come because the roads are bad."  Muhammed Dalman (75), one of the citizens, said: "We don't vote for them (AKP). That's why they don't build roads for us. Anyone who comes here from outside is surprised by the view they see. Our only demand is for our roads to be built. Only tractors can use these roads easily."   'IT HAS NOT BEEN DONE FOR 30 YEARS'   Alya Sevilgen (55) said that their village was dusty in summer and mud in winter. Sevilgen said: "The roads of our village are very bad. They leave our roads like this because there are no votes for them from this village. No one can drive on this road. Travel to and from the village has decreased greatly due to the roads. They always say, 'we will build your roads', but it has not been done for 30 years."