Delegates participating in the referendum: We will send the trustees 2024-01-22 11:00:58 AMED - Delegates participating in the DEM Party's referendum in Amed said: "We will send the trustees. We want to manage our city."     The People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) held a referendum yesterday to determine their municipal co-mayor candidates in Amed and their districts in the March 31 local elections. Delegates who voted in Sûr district made evaluations about the primary election.   'CONTINUE TO STRUGGLE'   Kemal Selçuk, one of the delegates, stated that they found the primary election valuable and said: “We are very happy that our party introduced such a system. Because of the trustees, the Kurdish geography has gone back a long way. Because they did not provide any service. Villages and cities must now choose their will and protect their lands. We will send the trustees. We will not give up our will no matter how many trustees they appoint. We will continue our struggle until the end."   'WE WILL TAKE BACK OUR WILL'   Reacting to those who ignore the will of the Kurds, Asaf Oruç stated that they will give the necessary response to the trustees in the elections for which they are preparing with great enthusiasm. Oruç said: "Let's follow in the footsteps of our Serok (Leader) Abdullah Öcalan and our people. All this exists today thanks to Serok. Today, he is languishing in prisons for our country. He is still under torture.”   'THE KURDS WILL BE THE WINNER'   92-year-old Naciye Topdemir, who went to the polls to send trustees despite her advanced age, said:  “Let's win Amed. Even though my eyes are sick at my age, I came for my people. I hope the trustee will go.” 86-year-old Emine Çakır said: “We cast our votes without any problems. We want to be free. Let the Kurds win and be free. The Kurds must be more conscious. Let's earn more.”   MA / Eylem Akdağ