The health condition of 80-year-old Arslan, whose 'regret' was imposed, is worsening 2024-01-20 15:25:11 ISTANBUL - Calling for the release of 80-year-old prisoner Hanife Arslan, who cannot walk and needs urgent surgery, IHD said: "Regret is being imposed for her release. Hanife Arslan must be released."   Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul Branch Prison Commission held the 617th press statement, which they organize every week, in front of the branch building. During the action, attention was drawn to the situation of 80-year-old seriously ill prisoner Hanife Arslan, held in Van Type T Prison.   In the statement, "Treatment is a right, it cannot be prevented" and "Ill prisoner Hanife Arslan must be released" banners were unfurled and slogans such as "Isolation kills, solidarity makes people live" were frequently chanted. İHD Co-Chair Eren Keskin and many human rights activists attended the statement. The statement was read by İHD Istanbul Branch Prison Commission Hatice Onaran.   Stating that the violations of rights in prisons prevent ill prisoners from recovering, Onaran shared Arslan's situation. Onaran stated that Arslan had serious health problems, listing her diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), diabetes, stomach, heart, blood pressure and joints.   WHEELCHAIRS WERE NOT PROVIDED   Sharing the information she received from Arslan's daughter, Onaran said: "Arslan fell in the ward toilet, which was not suitable for disabled people, and as a result, her teeth were broken. The administration, which initially ignored this situation, had a toilet installed in the toilet and took Arslan to the doctor, after public opinion was raised on this issue. Arslan, who has a very difficult time going to the toilet due to limited movement and intense pain despite the toilet, avoids eating to avoid going to the toilet and therefore her nutrition is disrupted. Arslan, who could come to the meeting with a wheelchair, was hospitalized last Monday as her illnesses increased, but her wheelchair demand was not accepted despite her mobility difficulties.”   SHE NEEDS URGENT SURGERY   Onaran shared the following about Arslan's health condition: “The doctor said that the surgery that must have been done 5 years ago must be done immediately. Since Arslan is in prison, she said: ‘I don't want to be a burden to anyone, so I can't have surgery.’ Arslan's daughter said: ‘Regret is being imposed on my mother, and she is not released because she does not accept it.'"    Stating that Arslan did not have surgery because adequate treatment and care could not be provided in prison conditions, Onaran said that she was forced to show regret in order to be released due to her illness. Onaran called for Arslan's release so that her right to health and life can be protected.