Tahir Temel, a prisoner of 30 years, was released 2024-01-19 13:06:01   RIHA - Tahir Temel, who was held in prison for 30 years for political reasons, was released.   Prisoner Tahir Temel (55), who was arrested after being detained in Manisa on January 26, 1994 and sentenced to life imprisonment for "disrupting the unity and integrity of the state", was released from Elazığ Karakoçan Type T Closed Prison. Temel, who was held in Mersin, Elbistan, Yozgat, Adana Kürkçüler, Mêletî (Malatya), Wan (Van), Mûş (Muş), Erzurum Oltu and Gümüşhane prisons respectively, was released from Elazığ Karakoçan Type T Prison, where he last stayed. Temel, who was transferred to different prisons without his demand 12 times during his 30-year captivity, was welcomed by his family and loved ones from Riha's Wêranşar (Viranşehir) district in front of the prison with applause, chants and flowers.   After he was released, Temel flew white doves representing peace and freedom.   After the welcome, Temel and his entourage set out towards Wêranşar district of Riha.