'Sick prisoner Burak must be treated' 2024-01-13 13:07:58 AMED - Stating that the sick prisoner Abdulsamet Burak, held in Van High Security Prison, was not treated, father Abdulvahap Burak called for awareness.   Rights violations against ill prisoners in Kurdistan and Turkey prisons continue to increase. According to the Human Rights Association (IHD) data, there are 1,517 ill prisoners in prisons, 651 of whom are seriously ill. Ill prisoner Abdulsamet Burak, who has been held in Van High Security Prison since 2021, can meet his needs with the help of his fellow prisoners.   Prisoner Burak's father, Abdulvahap Burak, talked about the health problems his son experienced and the rights violations he suffered in prison.   Stating that his son Burak was caught injured in the operation against the Federated Kurdistan region in 2021, Burak said: "The Diyarbakır 5th High Criminal Court, where he was tried, sentenced my son to life imprisonment 12 times."   NOT TREATED   Explaining that his son Abdulsamet was subjected to verbal violence in the hospital where he was taken for treatment, Burak said: “My son had a platinum attached to his arm. The platinum was about 5 or 7 centimeters out. When I asked my son, he said that they did not treat them or give them medicine. My son told me that, ‘When they took us to the hospital, they said things like, You are not Turkish citizens, you are terrorists trying to destroy this country, we will not treat you.'"   Baba Burak stated that the Republic of Turkey does not fulfill any of the universal and international human rights criteria and said that political prisoners are viewed as enemies.   'LET MY SON BE TREATED'   Burak, who complained to human rights organizations, the prison administration and the Ministry of Justice, repeated his request for his son to be treated.   'END THE ISOLATION'   Burak, who wanted the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the prisoners to be abolished, said: “There is neither law nor justice in the Republic of Turkey. Hunger strikes started in prisons can be shown as a result of this situation. We will take care of our children no matter what. We will protect not only mine, but all our children and our leader."