Call for social unity for Abdullah Öcalan 2024-01-13 13:06:26   MERSİN - 78's Spokesperson Bayram Kızartıcı, said that the isolation was aggravated because PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan has the power to solve global issues, suggested "social unity" against the isolation.   The campaign demanding "Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom and a solution to the Kurdish issue", launched by The Kurds’ supporter in Europe on October 10, 2023, to ensure the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, continues with actions and events. As part of the campaign, prisoners started a hunger strike in prisons in Turkey and Kurdistan on November 27, and relatives of prisoners expressed their demands with the Justice Watch.   78's Initiative Coordination Spokesperson Bayram Kızartıcı stated that Abdullah Öcalan is in an important position in ensuring social peace and that millions accept him as a "national leader". Emphasizing that the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan is unacceptable, Kızartıcı said: "Isolation is a crime against humanity, regardless of the purpose or to whom it is imposed."   'ÖCALAN HAS THE POWER OF SOLUTION'   Kızartıcı said: “Many political structures and powers, both in the region and internationally, attach importance to Mr. Öcalan's thoughts. They now perceive his paradigm and thoughts as their own philosophy of salvation. The paradigm put forward by Abdullah Öcalan today extends from Latin America to Europe, from Europe to the Middle East; It is taken as basis by those who struggle in areas such as labor, faith, women and ecological. Therefore, the rulers know and accept that Mr. Öcalan has the power of solution. They know the power that even a small message from him will create in society. That's why severe isolation is being implemented today. There is no example of the isolation imposed in the world. This isolation has no place in either the current country's laws or universal law."   'ABDULLAH ÖCALAN IS MAKING HISTORY'   Kızartıcı stated that the circles that claim to be in favor of democracy, peace and freedom should ask themselves the question, "What is our share in the absolute isolation imposed on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan?" and pointed out that everyone is responsible for the isolation. Kızartıcı said: “Mr. Öcalan’s speech leads to the solution of all issues and the elimination of the conflict environment. We also saw this in the solution process. As the isolation deepens, the issues in the country become inextricable. In other words, the solution to the Kurdish issue eliminates all issues. Therefore, the elimination of isolation, we need to unite our forces for this. Abdullah Öcalan is literally making history with the resistance he developed in Imrali today. One day, when the events in Imrali will be heard in public, we will witness how humanity is knitted there step by step."   ‘STRUGGLE AGAINST ISOLATION’   Kızartıcı: “Prisoners in prison have nothing to hold on to except their beliefs and will. They provide solutions to social issues by hunger strike action. This is the most extreme message given to society. Prisoners in prisons have been leading society for years. During this 2-month period, we have an inadequate reflex for this request of the prisoners. We now need to express our reaction to this situation clearly and openly. We need to take this burden shouldered by the prisoners. This can happen with a sufficient struggle. The only thing to say is that everyone must develop this struggle from their own unique fields. Our only goal is to wage a joint struggle against isolation.”   MA / Ergin Çağlar