Decision to continue imprisonment in the Kobanê Case 2024-01-06 16:35:48 ANKARA – It was decided to continue the imprisonment of the politicians tried in the Kobanê Case. The court panel also rejected Selahattin Demirtaş's demand for the speeches they made under the umbrella of the Parliament to be added to the file and for an expert report to be prepared regarding legislative irresponsibility.   Kobanê, where 108 politicians, 18 of whom were imprisoned, including former Co-Chairs of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and members of the Central Executive Board (MYK), were tried, citing the protest actions that took place on 6-8 October 2014 against ISIS's attacks on Kobanê. A monthly detention review was conducted regarding their case file.   The Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court panel, which heard the case, uploaded its decisions regarding the imprisonment review to the National Judicial Network Information System (UYAP).   The court unanimously rejected all demands for the release of those who were arrested in the case and the removal of judicial control measures for those who were tried without detention.   As a justification, it was claimed that "the existence of concrete evidence showing the existence of a strong suspicion of crime should be proportionate to the crime charged, and the judicial control provisions would be insufficient due to the facts that give rise to a concrete suspicion that the defendants will escape."   DEMİRTAŞ'S DEMAND WAS REJECTED   In their decision, the court panel, who evaluated each judged separately, rejected the demand for all the speeches made by former HDP Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş and other defendants who were formerly parliamentarians made under the roof of the Parliament be brought into the file for an expert report to be obtained in terms of legislative irresponsibility in Article 83 of the Constitution, on the grounds that "the existing conversation records are deemed sufficient".