Demirtaş: The state is currently MHP and the junior partner is AKP 2024-01-04 16:45:20   ANKARA - Stating that the truth began to appear with the success of HDP in the June 7 elections and that AKP-MHP and Ergenekon formed an alliance after that date, Selahattin Demirtaş said: “The state is MHP now. MHP is now ruling. This is the new state order.”   Citing the protests that took place on 6-8 October 2014 against the attacks of ISIS against Kobanê, Kobanê lawsuit opened against 108 people, 18 of whom were imprisoned, including the former Co-Chairs of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and members of the Central Executive Board (MYK). The trial continued in the hall at Sincan Prison Campus.   Many politicians and People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Parliamentary Group Deputy Co-Chairs Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit and Sezai Temelli also attended the hearing of the case heard by Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court. Former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş were attended to the hearing via the Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS).   'KOBANÊ CASE IS A STATE OPERATION'   Continuing his defense, Demirtaş stated that the Kobanê Case was a state operation and asked: “We are faced with an uninterrupted conspiracy involving politics, capital, media and bureaucracy. That's why it consists of thousands of folders and pages. This already exists to make the conspiracy invisible. The events or deaths that have occurred in Turkey in recent years, wherever they are, have been stuffed into this case folder so that neither the press nor the public can get out of it. Imagine, the prosecutor opened the second Kobanê case and the magistrate made an arrest, even though there was no evidence other than the tweets sent by the HDP, MYK. Can the public be convinced with two tweets?”   HDP STARTED TO PLAY FOR CENTER AFTER A CENTURY   We didn't invent anything new. The truth was standing there. It was covered. HDP turned it into a political move with the women's struggle, the struggle of the oppressed and the people. In Turkey, idealist racists, nationalist racists, Islamic racists and Atatürkist racists, those who defend these at the level of racism, nature plunderers, and all liars are under threat. Because, HDP is coming. Everyone I mentioned has an umbilical cord with imperialism. And it bothered them too. HDP made a great impact with the political success of June 7. HDP's strength is not in the quantity of votes it receives, but in its quality. Nobody thought or talked about AKP's 42 percent. At the same time, CHP received so many votes for the first time in their history, but no one talked about them either. HDP shattered the centuries-old understanding and started to play for the center after a century.”   WHAT IS MHP DOING?   What is MHP doing today? That's what I'm going to tell you today. The perception that MHP wants to create is not limited to this. Yes, they are still tweeting, but Bahçeli is declaring the Kurds terrorists through my name. He threatens the Turks through Kavala. Doesn't he know how many people he called as a terrorist by my name? And he does this consciously. To the nationalist Turks he says: 'The Kurds are terrorists. Keep this in mind.’ What does MHP expect from this? The establishment and existence of MHP developed through the absence and opposition of others. But today I will explain what it has to do with this case.   LEADER APO…   Since there will be no acquittal in this file after 7 years, our file will most likely go to the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals. What does the department do, Bahçeli says? He calls the Constitutional Court a ‘supporter of terrorism’. He calls his statements terrorist rhetoric. What does this office say, which will probably examine our file? Of course, the judge says it is a terrorist discourse in his statements. I said Leader Apo, Kurdistan, guerrilla. Wow, what would they do to me?   MHP MAFIAS ARE PERFORMING TERROR   When the time comes, they will not listen to the Constitutional Court, when the time comes, the Parliament will not be listened to, the law will be suspended, but the position gained in the state will not be lost. Some opponents say there is a problem in the People's Alliance, but this is wrong. It is also wrong to call it the People's Alliance. The state is currently MHP. MHP is now ruling. It's not like a junior partner. The real junior partner is AKP. If we do not read it this way, we would make a mistake. We can see this just by looking at the Supreme Court. They rent an apartment and arrange for everyone. MHP mafias are terrorizing many courthouses.   THIS IS THE NEW STATE ORDER   This is the new state order. This is where they brought the state, and where they want to bring it, after centuries of suffering and experience. But we resist. Let's see what will happen. So why don't Erdoğan and other AKP members speak out? Because AKP was going through a coup. Against this, he made a compromise with Ergenekon and MHP. They told Erdoğan that he would sell out the nationalists, Kemalists and Fethullahists and the coup would not succeed. Everything is ready in advance. These Fethullahists said with excitement that we are all making a coup together. They thought that the army was out in every town in Turkey. But only they came out. They have no news that they have been sold. They held one side of the Bosphorus Bridge, but there were no people assigned to hold the other side. They went to one barracks but did not go to another. Coup entrepreneurs are real. But they fell into the trap. Bahçeli later achieved his wish.   ONLY THE SEAT WAS CHANGED   What is intended to be continued through this case is the process of building the new racist regime. The opposition is incapable of reading all this and is at a point where it ignores every opportunity. Opportunities presented in the election were squandered. It was given to them again on a golden platter. The opposition group, which is around 60-70 percent, has not been kept together. The main mistake of the opposition is that it cannot call a Kurd a Kurd or a socialist a socialist. Everything should be done openly and transparently. You need to start by apologizing for your own mistakes. We were the only ones who gave self-criticism. There was no change in other parties other than changing seats. Historically, a change is needed. Our young people do not know history, let alone 5 years ago. Their minds are being bombarded so much that the opposition cannot prevent it.   WE BASED ON PEACE, THEY BASED ON WAR   We say that without peace, a nation degenerates. They, too, are based on war. It tells about the war. Yes, if there is no war, the nation you have ruined will disappear. Peace destroys this. Therefore, everything we call peace becomes a crime. In any case, the prosecutor says, ‘The nation that fights will survive.’ If they say peace, it means they say they are enemies of the nation. These cannot be achieved without being understood. This requires a systematic struggle. You will resist in a way that social media, rallies, panels, everything is intertwined. You have to explain this to both Turks and Kurds. The Turks should be told by whom they were taken hostage. Kurds know from Dersim, Maraş, Roboski. We must explain this. We have no other choice. Either these nations will massacre each other. We need to explain this. We will not stop telling.”   Upon Demirtaş's request, the court adjourned the hearing for noon.