The demand of "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" left its mark in 2023 2024-01-03 15:08:28   ISTANBUL- The actions launched at the beginning of the year to demand the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan, who held in absolute isolation on İmralı Island and had not been heard from for 34 months, spread all over the world with the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign.   The international conspiracy, which was the first intervention of global powers in the Middle East, began with the abstraction of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan from Syria on October 9, 1998. After a 4-month period that Öcalan described as "crucifixion", Abdullah Öcalan was brought to Turkey and put in İmralı Type F High Security Prison. PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held under severe isolation conditions for 25 years, there has been no news from him for 34 months. The isolation conditions, which started with the PKK Leader being held in a solitary cell from 1999 to 2005 when he was brought to İmralı Island, continue with absolute lack of communication (incommunicado).   During the first 12 years of Abdullah Öcalan's captivity in İmralı, his right to meet with his lawyers was limited to one day and one hour a week. However, lawyers' applications for meetings were constantly blocked for reasons such as "the coaster was broken" and "unfair weather". The visit of a lawyer was prevented in İmralı after July 27, 2011. As a result of the hunger strike action that was launched in 2019 under the leadership of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Cochair Leyla Güven and spread to prisons, lawyers' visits were held 5 times. However, Öcalan was again prevented from meeting with his lawyers due to penalties imposed under the name of "discipline".   Abdullah Öcalan has been able to meet only 5 times with his family since 2014. The last face-to-face meeting with Abdullah Öcalan was the family meeting with his brother Mehmet Öcalan on March 3, 2020. The PKK Leader was able to use his right to phone calls only twice during the 25 years he was held in İmralı. Abdullah Öcalan, who had his first meeting on April 27, 2020, had the right to telephone conversation intermittently on March 25, 2021. There was no news after the phone call in which Abdullah Öcalan said: "The state is playing wrong."   169 APPLICATIONS IN 2023   Against the ongoing incommunicado since March 2021, his lawyers applied 110 times in 2023 to meet with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. His family applied for a meeting 59 times in the last year. Of these, 12 lawyers and 9 family applications were made due to the expected earthquakes in Marmara and the earthquake hapenned in Gemlik district, to which İmralı Island is connected.   6 'DISCIPLINARY' PENALTY IN 365 DAYS   The penalties imposed under the name of "discipline", which was used as a reason for rejecting the meeting requests of the family and lawyers, continued in 2023. In the last year, Abdullah Öcalan was banned from seeing his family 4 times for 3 months and banned from seeing his lawyer twice for 6 months.   APPLICATIONS TO THE AYM, CPT AND TBB   Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers made 8 applications to the Constitutional Court (AYM) in 2023. One of them was due to the earthquake, 6 of them were due to family and laywyers meetings. Lawyers also filed an application due to the non-implementation of the injunction decision of the United Nations (BM) Human Rights Committee (İHK).   Lawyers applied to the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB) on January 6, 2023 and 4 separate applications to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) during the year. In the application, it was requested that the report prepared by the CPT as a result of its visit to İmralı in 2022 be disclosed.   6TH NOTIFICATION TO THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE   Lawyers submitted to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which supervises whether the "violation" decision given by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) regarding the aggravated life imprisonment sentence for Abdullah Öcalan on 18 March 2014, was implemented in January 2023, after Turkey did not comply with the violation decision. Lawyers had notified 5 times before.   OPEN LETTER TO THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE   On March 14, 2023, lawyers sent an open letter to the Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdağ. In the letter, they stated that Abdullah Öcalan was being held as a hostage in an undefined area outside the "legal system" and asked: "Are you aware of your responsibility as the Minister of Justice?"    VEYSİ TAŞ COMMITED SELF-IMMOLATION    Veysi (Bubo) Taş (65) commited self-immolation in the Small Industrial Site of Artuklu district of Mêrdîn (Mardin) on January 12 to protest the İmralı isolation. Mehmet Akar also committed self-immolation in Amed Walls on January 16 to protest the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   SOCIALISTS TAKE ACTION AGAINST ISOLATION   Members of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) and the Federation of Socialist Youth Associations (SGDF) started a 3-day hunger strike in Izmir on January 16 against the isolation and rights violations in prisons.   2 MILLION SIGNATURES WERE COLLECTED IN ROJAVA   Northern and Eastern Syria People's Initiative and Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Initiative-Syria launched a signature campaign against the Imrali isolation and incommunicado state. More than 2 million signatures were collected and sent to the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT).   3-DAY ISOLATION ACTION IN THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE   On January 23, 2023, Kurds and their supporters protested for 3 days in front of the Council of Europe (EC) Parliament building in Strasbourg, France, against the deepened isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan. Kurds and their supporters gathered in the parliament building upon the call of the European Democratic Kurdish Society Congress (KCDK-E) and protested the isolation for 3 days.   INTERNATIONAL DELEGATION IN TURKEY   The International Delegation Against Isolation, consisting of 36 lawyers, journalists and academics from 7 different countries, came to Turkey on January 25. The delegation held meetings with Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers, non-governmental organizations and political parties in Istanbul, Ankara and Amed between 25 and 27 January.   Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Free Woman Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), People's Democratic Party (HDP), MED Prisoner and Convict Families Federation of Legal and Solidarity Associations (MED TUHAD-FED) and Families Who Lost Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations The Gemlik March would be held under the leadership of the Cooperation and Solidarity Association (MEBYA-DER) with the slogan "We are marching to İmralı for a solution". The march, which was to start on February 6 from two roads, was postponed due to earthquakes in the center of Mereş.   ABDULLAH ÖCALAN POSTER IN EP   Kurdish youth, who came together on February 15, the anniversary of the international conspiracy, opened a poster of Abdullah Öcalan in the European Parliament (EP) General Assembly Hall in Strasbourg, France, and chanted the slogan "We have no patience left, freedom for Leader Apo".   FREEDOM BANNER IN ATHENS   As part of the "Freedom for Öcalan" campaign, a "Freedom for Öcalan" banner was unfurled at the Euroleague basketball match played between Panathinaikos and Barcelona in Athens on March 23.   TO AMARA FOR FREEDOM ON APRIL 4   On April 4, the birthday of Abdullah Öcalan, the Imrali isolation was protested and the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was demanded, with celebrations held all over the place. While saplings were planted for Abdullah Öcalan in various places, young people took to the streets in Hakkari, demanded physical freedom of Ocalan, and flew wish lanterns. While April 4 celebrations were held in many parts of the world, a march took place in Turkey with the slogan "To Amara for Freedom" under the leadership of DTK, TJA, DBP, HDP, MED TUHAD FED.   GREETINGS TO IMRALI FROM GERMANY   In Düsseldorf, Germany, the European Democratic Forces Union and the Platform of Kurdistan Institutions in Europe organized a march on April 15 to demand the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan. During the march attended by tens of thousands of people, slogans such as "Bijî Serok Apo", "Bê Serok jiyan nabe", "Salam salam, a thousand salutes to Imrali" were raised, accompanied by the "Freedom for Öcalan" banner.   ABDULLAH ÖCALAN WORKSHOP IN BEIRUT   A workshop titled "Democratic Middle East - all together for the road to peace" was held in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, on June 13, regarding the isolation and struggle against Abdullah Öcalan. The workshop, organized in cooperation with the Permanent Federal Congress of Lebanon, Newroz Cultural Association, Multicultural Eastern Platform, Demokratia Novu Orao Seclorum and RESILIENT BEIRUT.Many lawyers, politicians and academics from Lebanon, Iraq, Tunisia, Sudan, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, South Africa, Iran, Turkey and North and East Syria attended.   LAWYER APPLICATION TO THE UNITED NATIONS   Lawyers in Northern and Eastern Syria made a new application to the United Nations (UN) on July 9, demanding to meet with Abdullah Öcalan. In the application, in which the CPT's silence was criticized, it was stated that "We strongly condemn these inhumane and illegal practices of the Turkish state."   YOUTH ARE STANDING IN EUROPEAN CITIES   The Kurdish Youth Movement (Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger-TCŞ) and Fighting Young Women (Jinên Ciwan ên Têkoşer-TekoJIN) held marches on July 29 in many cities of Europe, especially Germany and France, demanding the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.   'URGENT' CALL FROM FREEDOM UNION   Representatives of the unions operating internationally under the name of "Freedom for Öcalan Trade Union Campaign" made a statement titled "Urgent call" at the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels on July 26 regarding the aggravated isolation of Abdullah Öcalan for 24 years.   'TIME OF HOPE' EVENT IN ITALY   It is an 18-day event that has been organized regularly by Radio Onda d'urto in Brescia, Italy, for 31 years. This year there was a first in the event. On August 21, a special day was reserved for the defense of "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and Right to independence of Kurds. The event called "Time of Hope", organized by Radio Onda d'urta and the Italian Kurdistan information bureau, was held in the town of Buffolora, Brescia, with the participation of thousands of people.   JOURNEY TO FREEDOM   Kurdistan and internationalist young people carried out the "Rêwîtiya Azadiyê" (Freedom Journey) action in the German cities of Dortmund and Cologne between 3-8 September to ensure the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.   CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE ACTION IN THE WHITE CHURCH   A civil disobedience action was organized in the White Church (Sacré Coeur) on September 23, with the participation of Kurds and their supporters, in order to end the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan and to ensure his physical freedom in Paris. The crowd gathered on the steps of the White Church and staged a sit-in protest with photographs of Abdullah Öcalan and "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan" banners.   INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY DAMNED   The abstraction of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan from Syria on October 9, 1998, with an international conspiracy, was condemned in its 25th year by mass statements made in Istanbul, Amed and many parts of the world.   GLOBAL 'FREEDOM' CAMPAIGN   Kurds and their supporters started a new campaign on October 10 with a statement made in 74 centers in Europe with the motto "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue". Numerous actions and events were held in Europe, Kurdistan and Turkey. Within the scope of the campaign, statements of support for the campaign came from Tamil organizations, Shengal, youth organizations, lawyers, women and various activists around the world.   As part of the campaign, marches, statements, panels, conferences, workshops, actions and events continue in more than 100 countries.   'CALL TO PEACE' DECLARATION FROM 78 NAMES   In Istanbul, 78 people, including journalists, artists, writers, politicians and intellectuals, announced the "Call to Peace" declaration on October 28. In the declaration, “End to the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan and a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue" requested.   CALL FOR FREEDOM FROM 172 ORGANIZATIONS   In Amed, 172 organizations, including non-governmental organizations and political parties, announced a declaration on October 29 with the motto "A call for freedom from now to the future."   APPLICATION FROM DEM PARTY   Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan and MPs applied to the Ministry of Justice to meet with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held under absolute isolation on İmralı Island.   HUMAN CHAIN FOR ABDULLAH ÖCALAN   A human chain action was carried out on November 3 by the committee established in Lucerne, Switzerland, within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign.   POLITICAL RIGHTS AND ABDULLAH ÖCALAN CASE   At the press conference held in the Italian Parliament on November 8 under the title "Political Rights in Turkey and the Abdullah Öcalan Case", Italy was asked to fulfill its obligations to break the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan and ensure his freedom.   WALK TO GEMLIK FROM ALL DIRECTIONS   A Gemlik march was held in Istanbul and Amed on 18-19 November, with the participation of tens of thousands of people from Colemêrg to Edirne. The cities of Kurdistan participated in the march in Amed on November 18. On November 19, the Marmara branch, in which the Aegean and Central Anatolia regions participated, marched to Gemlik despite all the obstacles. During the march, they demanded the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue.   THOUSANDS OF PRISONERS ARE ON HUNGER STRIKE   As part of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign, thousands of prisoners in 106 prisons started a hunger strike on November 27. In order to support the protests of the prisoners, relatives of the prisoners started Justice Watch actions in many cities.   IHD APPLIED TO GO TO IMRALI   The Human Rights Association (İHD) applied to the Ministry of Justice to send a delegation to İmralı Type F High Security Penitentiary Institution on November 29.    INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DELEGATION IN TURKEY   The International Women's Delegation of 7 people, including lawyers, parliamentarians, ecologists and representatives of non-governmental organizations from various countries in Europe, visited Turkey on December 9. The delegation, which also visited Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers, will present its report on the lack of information and isolation in İmralı to international organizations such as the CPT, the UN and the Council of Europe.   ABDULLAH ÖCALAN'S BOOKS READING DAY   Reading days of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's books were held in 160 centers on December 10, under the name "Global Ocalan Books Day". Philosopher Slavoj Zizek also attended the reading days. This event, which aims to spread Abdullah Öcalan's paradigm and thoughts, continues in many centers.     MA / Diren Yurtsever