Mother of Fatma Uyar continues her struggle 2024-01-03 12:31:12   ŞIRNEX - Hatice Uyar, the mother of Fatma Uyar, who was murdered during the curfews in Silopiya said: "She was resisting for women's freedom. Sevê, Pakize, Fatma and Asya should be the reason for the struggle of every woman.”    During the curfews declared between 2015 and 2016 in the Silopiya (Silopi) district of Şirnex, Silopiya People's Assembly Cochair Pakize Nayır, Fatma Uyar, a member of the Congreya Jinên Azad (KJA), which was closed by the Decree Law (KHK), and the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Party Assembly (PM) member Sêvê Demir was killed as a result of fire opened from armored vehicles on January 4, 2016. In the intervening 7 years, not a single person's statement was taken in the investigation file, which included 3 Kurdish female politicians as "suspects", and the file was shelved.   THE STRUGGLE IN HER SHORT LIFE   Uyar, who was born in Dihok village at the foot of Gabar Mountain on August 28, 1988, was evacuated when she was only 3 months old due to state pressure. Her grandfather Temer Uyar was taken into custody and sentenced to 12 years in prison. The Uyar family, who settled in Milga Şantiyê village in the center of Şirnex, migrated for the second time due to ongoing pressure and threats. They settled in the city center. Uyar, who studied in primary school until the 5th grade, was introduced to the struggle by taking part in youth movement in the 2000s. She was arrested in 2009 and spent 5 years in prison. A year after Uyar was arrested, her father Reşit Uyar (53) was arrested. The father and daughter were prisoned in Mardin Prison. Uyar, who continued to fight after her release, turned to Silopiya to support the public during the curfew period. Uyar said: “I will face this process alongside my people. I will share their struggle until my last breath." Uyar died along with her two fighting friends on the 22nd day of the ban.   Uyar's struggle was continued by her mother, Hatice Uyar. Mother Uyar, who started to take part in the work after the death of her daughter, was elected district cochair at the 1st Ordinary Congress of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Şirnex Central District Organization, held in December 2023.   'SHE DEDICATED HER LIFE TO THE STRUGGLE'   Stating that her daughter devoted her life to the struggle, mother Uyar said, “7 years have passed, but the massacre has still not solved. Fatma was a very self-sacrificing person and devoted to the cause. She took part in the struggle at a young age. I would reproach her, saying, 'You are too young to fight.' She said, 'Don't say such things. If I don't fight, if you don't, who will?' When the ban was declared, clashes started. I received the news of her martyrdom. Her loyalty to the party is not something that can be explained in a few sentences. She was fighting for women's freedom."   'SHE LEAVED A LEGACY OF STRUGGLE'   Stating that she decided to continue her struggle after Fatma, Uyar said: “It is very difficult for me to give up this struggle. We need to protect the legacy of struggle left to us. After Fatma, my commitment to the struggle increased. My conscience cannot bear sitting at home. I will continue this struggle as long as I live. The reason for the struggle of every woman should be Sevê, Pakize, Fatma and Asya Yüksel.”   MA / Zeynep Durgut