Şenlik: We will not take a step back until Abdullah Öcalan is freed 2023-12-29 11:57:59   COLEMÊRG - Cevdet Şenlik, one of the prisoners who went on hunger strike in Antalya Type S Prison, said: "We will not step back until we liberate Abdullah Öcalan."   The hunger strike action launched in prisons to demand the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan continues on its 33rd day. Prisoners started a hunger strike on November 27 as part of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign. Cevdet Şenlik, who has been detained in Antalya Type S Prison for political reasons for 8 years, spoke about the ongoing hunger strikes through his family.   CALL TO KURDISH YOUTH   Stating that a relentless isolation policy is being carried out on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Şenlik said: “There is an attack on the values and achievements of our people with the isolation policy. Communication between our people and the leadership has been cut off with these attacks and attitudes. We call from the dungeons to all our people who want freedom and invite everyone to the dance of resistance. In the face of the resistance carried out in dungeons, Kurdish youth should not stay behind and we call on them to be at the forefront of this struggle. We demand that all patriotic Kurdish youth take part in the freedom resistance against fascism."   'WE WILL NOT TAKE A STEP BACK'   Condemning the fact that no news has been received from Öcalan for 3 years, Şenlik said: “Today, there is a resistance in all areas and we, as prisoners in the dungeon, joined this resistance. We will not step back and continue to fight until we liberate our leadership in a difficult and challenging process. We resist in the path of Mazlum Doğan, Zülküf Gezen and Ayten Beçet. Everyone should be involved in this move in their own field and expand the resistance. First of all, we must believe in ourselves, and when we believe in ourselves, we must insist on resistance. Only this way can we achieve success. By ensuring success, we will liberate our leadership.”