Lawyer Karataş: The voice of Abdullah Öcalan should reach the public 2023-12-28 15:17:05   WAN - Stating that ending the conflict and establishing peace in Turkey is related to the isolation in İmralı, lawyer Mehmet Karataş said: "Concerns about Abdullah Öcalan can only be resolved if his voice reaches the public."   The hunger strike launched in prisons to demand the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in isolation in İmralı Type F High Security Closed Prison and has not been heard from for 34 months, has reached its 32nd day. The hunger strike action was launched on November 27 as part of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign, which is in its third month. Also within the scope of the campaign, Justice Sit-in actions initiated in different cities under the leadership of the families of prisoners continue.   Former IHD Wan Branch President, lawyer Mehmet Karataş, evaluated the ongoing hunger strikes and Justice Sit-in in prisons.   'A SPECIAL POLICY IS BEING IMPLEMENTED IN IMRALI'   Stating that the Kurds have been subjected to genocide and assimilation policies for a hundred years, Karataş said: "The detentions and arrests against the Kurdistan Freedom Movement, which developed as a part of this process, are constantly occurring. The most tragic aspect of this is the situation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in İmralı Prison for 25 years. The main reason why İmralı is on the agenda so much is the special policies implemented there. Special legal regulations have been introduced for Mr. Öcalan since 1999. Many rights violations took place here. Although the lawsuits filed on a national scale regarding this issue have unfortunately not been concluded, various violation decisions have been made in the ECtHR regarding human rights violations. There are still files pending before the ECtHR regarding applications for Öcalan. At this point, human rights violations continue to intensify and become widespread."    'THE ISOLATION SPREAD TO OTHER PRISONS'   Underlining that even though this is the case, it is pointless to discuss Abdullah Öcalan's legal and other rights today, lawyer Karataş said: "The most important issue right now is the concern that his voice is not heard and no news is received from him. For this reason, the isolation must end immediately and Öcalan's situation must be conveyed to the public by himself. Isolation is a crime against humanity because a person must be approached in accordance with human honor and dignity. In other words, the law itself has put human honor and dignity under legal regulation. For this reason, isolating Mr. Öcalan and denying him access to his family and lawyers is a crime against humanity."   Stating that the isolation in İmralı has spread to other prisons in Turkey, Karataş drew attention that especially ill prisoners are released even when they are on their death bed.   'THE ISOLATION MUST BE ENDED TO END THE WAR'   Emphasizing that the end of the war and the coming of peace in Turkey is directly related to the Imrali isolation, Karataş added: “Without lifting the isolation on Mr. Öcalan and the political prisoners with him, without allowing them to enjoy their right to health, right to life and other constitutional fundamental rights, the isolation of Turkey is impossible to eliminate. It is impossible for peace to come to Turkish societies and for the war to end before the isolation ends. Instead of ending the isolation, Type S prisons were put into operation. People are put in single cells for even a very simple crime. All of these are a result of the political policy and isolation implemented in Turkey. The importance of the fight against isolation in this period when isolation has become a cancer. Especially the Justice Sit-in of mothers is of great importance. Political prisoners in the prison continue their hunger strike action. More support needs to be given to this struggle to end the isolation and end the violations of rights in prisons."