Rights defenders want a solution to the Kurdish issue 2023-12-28 13:25:33   RIHA - Drawing attention that a peaceful environment can be achieved with the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue, Rights defenders in Riha said: "This is possible by lifting the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan."   The AKP-MHP government's insistence on the conflict process and the polarizing language it uses deepens the deadlock in the Kurdish issue, one of the country's biggest problems. Attacks on the Zap, Avaşin and Metina regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region have lasted 3 years. Soldier losses in the conflicts are increasing day by day. While the Ministry of Defense (MSB) announced that 12 soldiers lost their lives on December 22-23, air strikes began on the cities of Northern and Eastern Syria immediately afterwards. Sîmav Publishing House, Cizre Feed Factory, train station and olive factory were also among the bombed areas. 8 people were killed in these attacks.   According to non-governmental organizations and rights defenders in Kurdistan, these attacks further deepen the Kurdish issue; he also frequently emphasizes that a peaceful environment can be established by lifting the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is the interlocutor in the solution of the issue, and solving the Kurdish issue through democratic means.   'ATTACKS BRING ECONOMIC DESTRUCTION'   Hidayet Enmek, a member of the Prison Commission of the Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD) Riha Branch, said: "The lack of solution to the Kurdish issue has continued since the establishment of the republic. Assimilation and marginalization policies against the Kurds are constantly in effect. The system's failure to make concessions in the policies in question causes the problem to continue. The current political power is developing more war language to hide the losses it has suffered. This is the reason for the attacks on Rojava. This is a greater threat to the society and the people of Turkey. It brings economic destruction."    'WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT PEACE'   Stating that there is no end to the conflict process, Enmek said: "A process that evolves into peace should be started as soon as possible. The parties to this are Turkey and the PKK. The parties need to come side by side and evolve this into peace in a democratic way. Both sides should sit down and talk about peace in the presence of third parties on a democratic basis. If you remember; it started in 2013 and lasted for 2 years. The process was put in the 'refrigerator'. That process started with Mr. Abdullah Öcalan's letter on Newroz 2013. Afterwards, the isolation on Mr. Öcalan was deepened. This isolation is not independent of the current security policies. All Turkish people and democratic institutions should see this and say it loudly. It needs to be voiced. It is the responsibility of all legal institutions and democratic forces to demand peace and demand that the principles of democratic-universal law be implemented. If we do not voice our demands loudly, the anti-democratic environment will deepen even further. What needs to happen is that a peace environment is created as soon as possible. Unless this is done, this war will continue. The environment will continue; however, the destruction in society and the economic, social and societal problems will deeply affect all of us."   WHAT KIND OF SOLUTION?   Stating that the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the pressure on Kurdish politics deepened the conflictual process, Riha Bar Association Human Rights Center President Ahmet Taş said: "The isolation has increased the lawlessness. The Kurds are being pushed out of politics with the isolation policy. The Kurds see Mr. Öcalan as their own will. Separating this will from the outside world has turned into a policy of punishing the Kurds. Current policies and the conflictual process have also spread to the social sphere. We are witnessing hate language towards Kurds in the field."   Emphasizing that the solution to the Kurdish issue must be discussed in order to end the conflict, Taş said: “A basis for dialogue must be created, all ideas must be discussed around a common table and a solution must be found because war deepens the crises we are in. In this way, the existing lawlessness is brought to a legitimate ground. NGOs and bar associations should be the legal pillar of the peace to be established. Another step in this regard should be to lift the isolation as soon as possible and establish a dialogue with Mr. Öcalan, one of the main interlocutors of the issue. The demand for peace is not only the silence of the weapons, but also includes making peace with the identity of the Kurds, who have been pushed out of the system for 100 years. This solution should include a solution that will affect not only the addressees but also the whole society."   'WAR IS A VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO LIFE'   Nahide Polat Aslan, one of the managers of IHD Riha Branch, drew attention to the wars and conflicts taking place in the world and said: “International powers today feel the need to update the borders created behind closed doors after the First World War. Unfortunately, people and society pay the price for this. Although it is not mentioned, we are partially experiencing the Third World War."    Drawing attention to the fact that serious human rights violations occurred during war periods, Aslan said: "The right to life is one of the most fundamental rights defended by IHD and is the most violated right today. We defend the right to peace. We continue to struggle with our belief in peace, and we never despair. It is necessary to know that the war will be eliminated with the will of the people because if the people pay the price, not the rulers, it is the people who will stop the war. Political parties and NGOs should also develop a stance in order to prevent deaths and ensure social peace. Everyone, every institution is for peace. Everyone has to make every effort they can."    MA / Ceylan Şahinli