'Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan' campaign grows 2023-12-26 13:43:51   NEWS CENTER - The "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign, which was started by friends of the Kurds in 74 centers on October 10, is growing.   PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan has been held under aggravated isolation in İmralı Type F High Security Prison since February 15, 1999, when he was brought to Turkey with an international conspiracy. The situation of not receiving any news from Abdullah Öcalan and the prisoners in İmralı, Hamili Yıldırım, Veysi Aktaş and Ömer Hayri Konar, has entered its 34th month. For 34 months, meeting requests made by lawyers and families have either been left unanswered or rejected on the grounds of "disciplinary punishment".   While the isolation continued, the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign was started at the global level during the year. The start of the campaign was given by the friends of the Kurds in France on October 10. Statements and various events were held in this context in 74 centers.   The campaign, which was launched on October 10, has completed its second month. Over the course of 2 months, the campaign grew and spread all over the world. In addition to the campaign, many applications were made during the two-month period for the lifting of the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan and the solution of the Kurdish issue.    Some of the actions, events and applications that have been ongoing since October 10 are as follows:   * On October 10, the campaign was started in 74 centers by friends of the Kurds, including intellectuals, politicians, lawyers and journalists. The number of centers announced exceeded 100 in a short time.   * On October 28, the "Call to Peace" declaration was announced in Istanbul. Turkish intellectuals, artists, academics, politicians, etc. Many well-known names agreed with this statement. In the statement, a call was made for the solution of the Kurdish issue.   * On October 29, hundreds of institutions, organizations and political parties announced the declaration of "Concrete Call for Freedom from Now to the Future" in Amed.   * On November 2, MPs of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) made a statement in front of the Parliament in Ankara and applied to go to İmralı.   * Kurdistan on November 18; On November 19, the "Freedom March" was launched to Gemlik, one of the western cities.   * On November 27, political prisoners in prisons started a rotating hunger strike within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, political solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign.   * On November 29, the Human Rights Association (IHD) applied to the Ministry of Justice to send a delegation to İmralı.   * On December 4, a Justice Sit-in started in Amed(Diyarbakır) under the leadership of the Association for Assistance with Prisoners' Families (TUAY-DER) with the participation of relatives of prisoners. The sit-in later spread to cities such as Wan, Mersin, Adana and Istanbul.   * On December 10, "Öcalan books day" events were held in many parts of the world. Many well-known academics, writers, philosophers, intellectuals, women and young people read Abdullah Öcalan's books. Following the readings, evaluations were made regarding Abdullah Öcalan's paradigm. Philosopher Slavoj Zizek said: “Öcalan said that in order to create a new social world, it is necessary to first throw up the current order. This is a great social metaphysical insight."    * On December 16, a "Standing Man" protest was held in Paris, the capital of France, with the participation of dozens of people.   * A campaign to send cards and letters to İmralı was launched on December 20.