Responsibilities of the authorities regarding hunger strikes reminded 2023-12-20 16:01:15 RIHA - Labor and Democracy Platform components in Riha asked the state authorities to fulfill their responsibilities regarding the peaceful and legal demands of the prisoners on hunger strike in prisons.   A statement came from the Riha Labor and Democracy Platform regarding the hunger strike that continues on its 24th day in prisons demanding "freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and a solution to the Kurdish issue".   In the statement made in front of a business center in the city, the representatives of the institutions, associations, unions and platforms that signed the joint press statement were present. The press statement was read by İbrahim Halil Öyke, Riha Branch CoChair of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD).   ÖHD Branch Co-Chair Öyke stated that they are closely following the health and prison conditions of the prisoners who started a hunger strike by exercising their democratic and constitutional rights.   Referring to the interviews with the prisoners on hunger strike in Urfa No. 1 and 2 Type T prisons, Öyke said: "In the interviews with the prisoners on hunger strike, it was determined that the vitamin supplements required for the hunger strike and nutritional needs in accordance with the hunger strike protocol were not adequately met by the administration, and disciplinary investigations were initiated against them. It has been observed that the punishment was given in the form of a 1-month ban from events, and that the authorities carried out these implementations in order to intimidate people and pressure them to end their actions."   'ISOLATION IS AGAINST DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL LAW'   Condeming the prisoners' failure to meet their needs and their punishment, Öyke said: "The rights to life, especially the right to health, must be protected, the peaceful and legal demands of the prisoners must be evaluated before worse consequences occur, and those concerned must fulfill their responsibilities."   'THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STATE'   Emphasizing that all the rights of the prisoners, especially their dignity, right to life and health, are the responsibility of the state, Öyke said: "The isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, whose freedom the prisoners demand, is against the norms of domestic law and international law."   THE LISTING OF DEMANDS   Underlining that it is essential to find a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, to approach every issue that creates social division on the basis of equal and common life, and to implement an integrated social peace project aiming at economic prosperity and social justice, and Öyke listed their demands as follows: "Regular health checks of prisoners on hunger strike." and ensuring that physicians appointed by TTB perform examinations in prisons. Prisoners' freedom of expression, including the ability to demonstrate by going on hunger strike, must be respected. The Ministry of Justice should engage in dialogue regarding the demands of those on hunger strike, and meetings should be held with representatives of rights, law and health organizations, especially MPs, in order to discuss these demands, and independent delegations should be allowed to inspect and visit prisons."   The statement ended with applause as Öyke invited the democratic public to be sensitive about the ongoing and rotating hunger strikes in prisons.