'Violations in İmralı reported to international agencies' 2023-12-14 15:17:10 ISTANBUL - Stating that International Women's Delegation member Cristina Garés, who continues her contacts, said: " We will prepare a report on the rights violations in İmralı and other prisons and forward it to international institutions." The International Women's Delegation of 7 people, including lawyers, parliamentarians, ecologists and non-governmental organization representatives from various countries in Europe, came to Turkey on December 9 to make a series of contacts. The delegation visited many institutions, non-governmental organizations and formations, especially Asrın Law Firm, which is the law firm of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has not been heard from for 33 months.   Cristina Garés, Director of the Observatorio de Drets Penals (Observation Center Against Torture) active in the Catalonia region of Spain, who was among the delegation, spoke to MA about their contacts.   'THERE IS AN ABSOLUTE ISOLATION IN IMRALI'   Cristina Garés stated that, based on the information they obtained during their contacts, the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was an absolute isolation in terms of international conventions and agreements.   Remanding the infringement decision made by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Garés said: “The ECtHR, determined Abdullah Öcalan's lifelong imprisonment as 'torture' in their decision on March 18, 2014 and condemned Turkey for the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan. In addition to ECtHR, Turkey did not comply with the recommendations of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and various units of the United Nations (UN). The ongoing situation in Imralı constitutes a serious 'abuse of rights'. Turkey must comply with international conventions."   'EC MUST PUT PRESSURE ON TURKEY'   Stating that the European Parliament (EP) and the European Council (EC) must put pressure on Turkey and impose various sanctions if Turkey does not fulfill these warnings, Cristina Garés said: "The AP must take a very clear stance against isolation. But unfortunately we see that they have not done this so far. Despite not being at this stage, isolation and similar issues are experienced in some European countries, unfortunately, the attitude and stance of international agencies on this issue remain only advisory. These international agencies are not in a position to force countries such as Turkey, which implements the isolation, except by making recommendations. In other words, these agencies were built in name only and were again rendered ineffective by international forces;in other words, they have no effect on the countries in Europe that engage in anti-democratic implementations.``   'THE REASON OF SILENCE IS ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL BENEFITS'   Citing " The economic and political benefits" as the reason why international agencies remained silent regarding the isolation policies of Turkey, Cristina Garés said: "We see that international agencies remain silent about Turkey's isolation policy towards Abdullah Öcalan. There may be many reasons for this, but when we look at the most important reason, I think it is largely based on mutual economic benefits. The CPT also does not fulfill their duty sufficiently for the same reasons. They visited Imralı Prison and some prisons in Turkey. But they did not share the report with the public opinion. According to the 10th article of the CPT, when they visit any place, the report prepared by the CPT must be shared with the public; however, in the same article, it is said that if that country has permission, they can publish the report. It is also said that CPT may keep their report pending for 4 years. The important point here is this; whether the CPT considers this situation of Abdullah Öcalan as exceptional, since the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan is a state of absolute lack of communication. In their own mentality, perhaps they do not accept this situation regarding Öcalan as exceptional, so the intention and tendency of the CPT are important.”   'THE FAMILY OF ÖCALAN IS BEING VIOLATED'   Underlining that not only Abdullah Öcalan but also his family were subjected to abuse of rights due to the absolute isolation conditions, Garés said: “The family of any prisoner has the right to meet with the prisoner. These rights are guaranteed by the constitutions of all countries. Abdullah Öcalan has the right to meet with his family and his family also has the right to meet with him. But when we look at Imralı, we see that the rights of Mr. Öcalan have been taken away and his family also cannot benefit from those rights."   'WE AIM TO RAISE AWARENESS'   Stating that they would prepare a report on the abuse of rights in prisons in Turkey, especially in Imralı, in accordance with the impressions and information they received,Garés said:"We will submit the report to the CPT so they can take an action against the isolation. We will also forward it to the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights. It would be great if these agencies agree to publish it on their websites because all other rights organizations affiliated with the agencies I have mentioned, will also be aware of the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan and the abuse of rights in prisons; in other words, in this report, we will also include implementations regarding abuse of rights. Especially the absolute isolation in Imrali. We aim to raise awareness."