Intervention in demography: Hamas families were settled in Afrin 2023-12-14 11:57:43   NEWS CENTER - It was stated that thousands of Hamas families were settled in Afrin, Jarablus and Bab, which are under the control of Turkey and affiliated paramilitary groups.   In addition to the crimes committed in the cities of Northern and Eastern Syria, which came under Turkish control as a result of the attacks, plans to change the demographic structure continue at full speed. According to the news in ANHA, now thousands of Hamas families from Gaza, where Israel's attacks have continued since October 7, are being settled in Afrin, Jarablus and Bab. Thousands of Hamas members have been placed in camps established in Afrin and Bab since October 20. After Hamas members are expelled from Gaza, they are brought to Kilis and Dîlok(Gaziantep) and from there to areas under Turkish rule.   TURKEY, QATAR AND HAMAS AGREEMENT   It was stated that with a secret agreement reached between Turkey, Qatar and Hamas, it was planned to resettle 250 thousand Gazans in Baku Kurdistan, the occupied regions of Northern and Eastern Syria and the regions of Cyprus under Turkish rule.   Information about the Hamas members brought to the region is listed as follows:   * More than 4 thousand tents and residences were built in the camp established for Hamas members under the supervision of MİT in Celemê village of Afrin's Cindirês district. The camp, which is under construction, consists of 3 sections and is managed by the paramilitary structure called Faylaq Al Sham, which is under the control of MİT.   * On November 17, more than 75 families, including many Hamas families, brought from the north of Idlib and Aleppo, were brought to the camps established in the village of Çeqela in Afrin's Shiyê district, which is under the control of the group called Al Emşat. Hamas families were placed in these tents.   * On October 19, at the beginning of the Hamas-Israel war, Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood, in coordination with Hamas, moved dozens of families from Gaza to Cinderês district of Afrin. 75 Hamas families were brought to Der Belut Camp established in Jindires, accompanied by Turkish armored vehicles. More than 150 additional tents were set up in the camp.   * At the end of November, a similar tent was set up in Al Bab and more than 150 Hamas families were settled there.   Information was also included in the news that the camps were financed by White Hands affiliated with MİT, Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), and El Eysh el Kerama (Association for Living with Dignity), which appears to be based in Palestine in Israel but is managed by MOSSAD.