Justification for 7 years and 6 months imprisonment: Speech, book and news 2023-12-12 11:43:33   SÊRT- The justification for the 7 years and 6 months prison sentence given to TJA activist Ayşe Ekinci included the confiscated books, the speech she gave on Newroz and a news article about her.   The case in which Free Women's Movement (TJA) activist Ayşe Ekinci was tried without detention on allegations of "being a member of a terrorist organization" and "propagandizing for a terrorist organization" was decided on November 9. Siirt 2nd High Criminal Court sentenced Ekinci to 7 years and 6 months in prison on the allegation of "being a member of a terrorist organization".   The court explained the reason for the prison sentence. In the justification, it was stated that Ekinci mentioned the names "Zekiya, Kawa, Mazlum and Rewşan" in his speech at the 2018 Sêrt Newroz and that the people in question were " being a member of a terrorist organization". In addition, during the wiretaps made within the scope of an investigation initiated by the police in 2018, it was recorded that Ekinci used the term "martyr" for a person who lost his life in prison.   Another allegation that was used as a justification for the sentence is a news article published by Fırat News Agency (ANF) about Ekinci's detention on September 7, 2020. It was stated in the news in question that Ekinci was a TJA activist. Additionally, TJA activism was criminalized.   The books of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, which were confiscated during the house raids at the addresses where Ekinci is held, and some of the books for which a confiscation order was issued were used as grounds for the punishment.   THE DECISION OF NON-PROCEEDING WAS MADE A REASON    TJA activist Ayşe Ekinci    Evaluating the justification of the punishment, Ekinci said: "The punishment is used as 'an attack on the women's struggle'. The investigations opened against him stemmed from his political activities. The reason for the punishment about the house raid in Amed on September 7, 2020 is a complaint. In fact, they came to execute us; however, we were saved thanks to the people taking to the streets there and embracing it. This report was also the subject of an accusation. We were released after 4 days of detention. A decision of non-prosecution was issued in the file. The decision of non-prosecution of the Siirt Chief Public Prosecutor's Office was also used as a reason for the punishment. I have a 45 percent disability due to the traffic accident I had. I receive treatment for my foot and knee. I sign at the police station once a week. I'm throwing it away. I also have a travel ban."   MA / Fethi Balaman ​