Journalist Ahmet's lawyer: Despite the prosecutor's decision, meeting with Ahmet is not allowed 2023-11-29 16:33:38   NEWS CENTER - Neriman Ahmad, lawyer of journalist Süleyman Ahmet, who has not been heard from for 36 days, said: "Duhok Public Order does not allow us to meet despite the decision of the prosecutor's office."   Suleyman Ahmet, editor of Rojnews' Arabic Service, went from the Federated Kurdistan Region to Northern and Eastern Syria on October 1 to attend his father's condolences. On his way back, Ahmet was detained by the KDP security forces at the Sêmalka Border Gate on October 25. There has been no news from Ahmet since the said date.   MEETING IS NOT ALLOWED   Speaking about her client's situation, lawyer Neriman Ahmad said: "The family was not allowed to meet Ahmet despite the prosecutor's decision. We could not reach our client despite attempts. We have not received any information from him so far. A week after his abduction, the KDP public order made a statement. Following this statement, we, as his lawyers, applied to the Duhok Prosecutor's Office to meet with Ahmet. Then we called the Duhok Public Order. The public order persistently told us, 'He is not here, we cannot give any information about his file and you cannot meet him.' Then, we applied to the prosecutor's office again and received the necessary documents in writing. Despite this, the public order did not allow us to meet with our client. He violated the decision of the prosecutor's office."   CALL TO INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS   Stating that they received information from those detained with Ahmet in Duhok that his client was being held in a cell, Ahmad said: "But despite all this, public order does not allow us to visit. This is against the law. According to the laws of Iraq and Bashur Kurdistan, the detained person can meet with his lawyer within 4 hours. All political forces: 'We call on journalists, international institutions and organizations against this unlawfulness of the KDP and the security forces. They must condemn this injustice and demand the release of journalist Ahmet as soon as possible."   Ahmad said: "Even if Süleyman committed a crime, the police will deal with it. Public Order and Parastin should not be involved in this matter. What has been done against Süleyman for 37 days is against the law."